Sun Shot

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           My sister found the files I stole in my car. She looked extremely paranoid. "You stole these ?! You have any idea of what you've done !?" She said clutching the files close to her chest. "Explain it to me then, Noona. What have I done ?"

          My sister looked distressed. "BE:LIFT Lab had changed locations. We planned on transferring the subjects to the new facility when you came home a few weeks ago..." I rolled my eyes, "what does that have to do with anything ?"

                    She threw the papers at me continuously. "THE SUBJECTS WILL EXACT REVENGE ON THE LAB !"

                   She wasn't wrong. Soon enough the news of BE:LIFT's new facility broke loose. "FIRE !", A yelled order was given. Flaming arrows were launched.

              That is when I noticed Sunghoon & Jungwon in the front. Jay, Sunoo, Jake, as well as Ni-ki not far behind. The building slowly engulfed in flames while the boys stood out front as the press shoved cameras in their faces.

         Jungwon stepped forward. "We once were ordinary. Now ? Now we stand for gaining back what we have lost..."

       Their eyes lit up with the fiery red hues of the sun before aiming their glares at the new facility. Now it was public knowledge of what BE:LIFT Lab had put them through.

          Taking them from the only home they had known, saying it was for a program in its first stage, experimenting on them, & covering up what they had done...

        I would be angry as well. Their sense of being was ripped from them. It had come out that Amy' favorite show was based on what was happening at the lab. They made glorified entertainment of what they were doing behind the closed doors.

        "There is a way to contain them," I told my sister remembering the moon water I was gifted. There was enough to subdue them all.

         "You're absolutely sure that when the water touches them they'll be subdued ?" My sister asked as we parked. They were burning everything in sight. It looked as if they couldn't control the fire inside them. "I am very sure."

              We proceeded to get put of the car. We sprayed the high flames with the water first. Sunghoon was the first ti spot us. "How dare you !" I gave a small smile. I didn't even mutter a single word before we open fire on the boys with the moon water.

One by one they dropped to the floor.

      Did I feel bad for them ? Yes, of course. Did I regret subduing them before they burned from the inside out. No. What were going to happen to them after this ?


Sun Shot// ENHYPEN FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now