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Rashad Michael

"Man, you gots to be the dumbest nigga I know to fuck with my baby mama sister," I waved Mario off as I passed him the blunt.

I was currently waiting for Camille to text me saying she was ready to go. Apparently she couldn't choose between outfits which caused us to be 10 minutes late for our reservations already.

"She don't even respect dating in a timely manner, bro," Tooka said as he shook his head rolling another blunt.

"She just testing you, Richie," Hakeem told me.

"Boy, shut yo young ass up."

"Always talking like he know something about women. Shut up, kid."

Hakeem rolled his eyes as he took a puff out the blunt that was passed to him.

I chuckled, as I was too high to even care about Camille being late. I was just appreciative that she was even going out with me anyways.

From: Camille
I'm ready. I sent my location.

Standing up, I took three hits before passing the blunt back, "Y'all don't trash my damn house and no inviting broads over. Last time y'all almost had one bitch throw a brick at my window cause she thought one of y'all hoe asses lived here."

"Aye bro, that was Mario dog ass," Tooka said.

"I don't give a fuck. No bitches in my house. Got it?," I said as I grabbed my wallet and keys.

"I'll keep them in line for you bro," Hakeem said slapping them both in the back of the head.

"Ight. One," and I stepped out heading to my car and tapping her current location.

At the restaurant

"You sure can eat, huh?," I teased as I watched Camille cut another piece from her steak.

She looked up from her steak and smirked as she reached and finished the appetizer from earlier, "Why? A girl can't eat?"

I shook my head as I ate my food, "Nah, love a woman that has an appetite. Glad you ain't one of them 'I can't eat in front of niggas' type. If you hungry you hungry."

"Don't have to worry about that with me."

"I see."

"Watch it," she said playfully pointing her fork at me.

"Ight, but tell me what you do."

"Really? You saw me at the club so obviously a bartender," she stated in a duh tone.

"Yeah, you—,"

"Well, if you want to get to know me then let me inform you that I hate small talk. It seems forced and it gets awkward quick," she said taking a sip of her wine.

"And I hate being cut off in the middle of speaking," I said as I rested my hands over the table staring intensely at her.

She didn't say anything but smirked as she licked her lips.

Shawty wearing the hell out that dress, I thought.

The nude satin color complimented her complexion, and I had to refrain any more of my thoughts.

"You looking at me like you want to bend me over, Rashad," She practically moaned out and I swallowed hard.

One week ago she was playing but now she's trying to seduce me.

I chuckled and leaned back, "Camille, if I gave you some you'd probably go crazy. Don't need that."

She rolled her eyes but kept a playful expression. We continued the rest of the date going in depth of personal information and it seemed like smooth sailing from there.

We were now just sitting on the hood of my car at the park.

"Mind if I ask something personal?," I asked her as I rolled my blunt.

"Should've just asked," she said as she burned her blunt.

"Why you always in your sisters baby daddy drama?," I asked as I finished rolling.

"I mean, I don't know. Cause that's my sister. You wouldn't ride with your friends if they needed you?"

"I would but that shit right there is a just a ghetto, hot mess. Especially since they break up and make up," I stated inhaling my smoke.

She didn't say anything. I probably pissed her off and I mentally cursed at myself. We remained quiet with our blunts in rotation.

I just didn't understand being in other people's drama. No offense to her sister. It just seemed like unnecessary problems and I sure as hell ain't want to be in business that I have no parts in if I get with her.

"Yas, is my little sister, Rashad. She was real blinded by dude when she was real young and fucked around and got pregnant. Too little too late to try and talk Yas out of it. She's too emotionally involved. Just know, I know my sister, ight?," She calmly spoke to me and I simply nodded.

She hopped off the car and started walking towards the playground. I kept watching until she stopped in her tracks.

"Are you just gonna sit there or get on the swings with me?," she asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows because too grown to fit my big ass on a swing.

"At least push me," she suggested.

Get a chance to grip that ass? Big bet. I hopped down off my car as I caught up with her on the swing set.

"And don't be a creep and accidentally touch my ass," She said twisting her lips to the side as she sat down.

Damn it.

Alright y'all, sorry for the ass chapter 😂 again. But I've updated for y'all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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