End of school

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Finally, school is out and I meet Jake and Ben over at the football field. I take a seat up in the bleachers and watch Jake and Ben warm up. Just as I was about to go on my phone and look up and see Amber and Shea, these guys are my bullies. I never told my brothers but they beat me up every day after school when I have volleyball practice on Wednesday nights.

I always just told them I was playing a little too rough and ended up with a black eye. 

"Shea, look at this loser, she is so pathetic," Amber says, kicking me in the gut. 

"I know right. Hey loser what do you want us to do to you today." Shea says laughing at me. 

"Please just leave me alone," I say just above a whisper 

"What are you going to do, run and cry to your big brothers," Amber says scoffing at me. 

Just as she says that Shea punches me in the eye and Amber kicks me in the stomach. I was on the verge of tears and they just walked away laughing. I pulled myself together and took out my phone and looked at myself. I had a back eye and a bloody nose and a big bruise on my tummy. I had to make it look like I hurt myself so I went to the bottom of the bleachers and made sure Jake and Ben were looking and purposely pushed myself on the ground really hard.

"Owwww!!" I yell out pretty loud. Jake and Ben come running over "Woah Lucy are you ok?" Ben asks frantically.

"Yeah I'm good I just need to go to the nurse and get an ice pack," I say while clutching my stomach.

"What even happened?" Jake asks with a worried look.

"I was running down the bleachers and I fell and hit my stomach on the corner of this bench, then fell on the ground not being able to catch myself and hit my eye and nose." I'm a pretty good liar if I do say so myself.

"Ok, while be more careful next time I am going to call Austin to come to pick you up."Jake starts. "Ben, can you help Lucy to the nurse while I call Austin?" Ben nods and picks me up bridal style and we walk to the nurse.

"Oh, Lucy sweetheart are you ok?" The nurse asks in the sweetest voice.

"Yeah I'm ok I just need an ice pack please," I say and sit down on the chair while she runs to the back and gets an ice pack.

"What even happened dearest?" The nurse asks putting the ice pack on my stomach and eye.

"She fell on the bleachers," Ben answered for me.

"Oh, that's offel. Please be more careful next time." The nurse says while I throw away the bloody tissue. Just then Austin came bursting through the door looking concerned.

"Holy crap are you, ok Lulu!" Austin says bending down to my height. (keep in mind that in 4'11" and Austin is 6'3" Jake is 6'2" and Ben 5'12" anyway back to the story)

"Yeah, I'm fine my clumsiness got the best of me," I say Austin picks me up and we walk out of the nurse's office. I yell thank you to the nurse and walk out of the building. Austin puts me on the passenger side and goes to the driver's seat.

"Ok Luc let's get you home and we can watch movies and eat ice-cream," Austin says starting the car. As we pulled out of the school parking lot we waved by to Jake and Ben as we would see them after football practice.

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