Chapter 6: Merry Christmas Pt 1

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Hello everyone, sorry for not posting last week. It was the finals!

I am happy to say that I did pass, and I am happy with the results.

I hope you like this episode and love all the support.

Don't forget to comment and vote.

Now back to the story!


"Let me get this straight you basically were kidnapped by former death eaters. Tortured and now planning a party with me," Remus said, holding a box of ornaments.

I stood on the top shelf, placing the finishing touches on Remus's house. The room glittered with so much color and festivity. Lights filled the room while the tree formed brightly in the center of the room. Standing on the ladder, i turned towards him.

"I wasn't tortured; it was more like a nap, you know—a horrifying dream. I shivered, thinking about the dream. "Hurry up and pass me that snow globe before the guest arrives."

Lupin passes me a snow globe, making sure not to touch my hand completely. He was somewhat fearful since Severus stood in the next room, placing the food spread.

"If you want to hear tortured, I should tell you about that time in Budapest. Now that was a," I turned to Lupin who eyes filled with terror.

His light brown eyes seemed to twirl around, scared at the sentence I was about to say. Remus himself had his own problems, and I had mine.

Maybe it was too soon to tell him everything—good thing I have yet to say anything about Severus and I.

However, if Severus gave Remus any more protective glares every time we slightly touched each other, he could put two and two together.

Maybe he wouldn't believe it may happen.

I wouldn't believe it either.

Severus and I together; that was a fantasy that not even I would believe in.

After finishing getting the room ready, I asked Remus if I could use his room to change into my Christmas dress.

Remus, still wanting me to answer his question, allowed me to leave. I grabbed a black bad I had prepared when coming over and grabbed it going to the room.

I walked past Severus as he glanced in the bag.

"What is that," he asked. His eyes try to sneak a peek inside the back but to no avail.

I lifted it up slightly, "Just my outfit for the party."

Looking up and down at Severus, he wore a dark blue turtleneck and some dark black pants. His hair, however, was different.

I begged him for me to do it for the party as well as get his outfit. He was somewhat rejecting the idea, but I may have persuaded him through some methods.

"You look very dashing, Severus. I have always liked the original, but the remix is not half bad."

Severus lifted his eyebrow, somewhat intrigued by this notion. He then began to walk towards me in a suave manner. His hands slowly glide up my own, and I could feel the sensation climbing up my arm.

I smile, "I would love to continue this, but I have to get dressed for my guests."

I could feel the warmth slowly drifting off as I made my way to the room.

Sincerely, Yours My Half-Blood Prince (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora