Part 1 - Chapter 3 - My Description of "Her"

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She is the most Gorgeous person I ever saw and I'm sure she is the most beautiful person ever made by God.

Every time I feel low, all I have to do is to look at her smiling face and that's the end of all my problems. Her Eyes are Magnets that attracts me towards her all the time. I say it is just unfair on her for being so good looking.

She is really really so so cute. She has beautiful eyes with attractive eye balls.
Her voice is such that I could come out of death just to hear her voice.
She always wears an Indian traditional attire everywhere she goes.
Anyways I personally believe that, she has the ability to make everything look beautiful, no matter what she wears.

She is chocolaty in colour which I do desperately love to take a piece of, but that's something beyond my reach right now......

Now having talked about the physical appearance lets now talk about something beyond it and that is - How is she as a person??

I would like to mention that "one gets to know who are truly their well wishers is when, they stand by you when the whole world is against you". She is one of those who stands by me no matter what, and that quality of being a support when no one believes in you, is the rarest of the rarest quality that she possesses.

And I personally think, having that one quality is enough, because everyone stands by you when things are going fine but they leave you when the going gets tough.

I have seen and known many girls in my life, but with her, there is something really so different. Every moment that I have lived with her, it has been memorable. I so dearly wish, I could live every moment of my life with her.

There is really so much that I could write about her appearance and so on and so forth but I would like to stop here, because while I am writing this, she is in my mind and heart and I am so desperately starting to miss her that more I start describing her, the more it is starting to kill me....

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