Part 1 - Chapter 4 - To Confess or to Not Confess??

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This is a question that always comes to my mind. I try to confess my feelings to her but at the point of delivery I pull back. Being an Introvert it is quiet difficult to express something of this sought to her. Only if I had the courage to express everything to her, she could have being mine by now. But as they say, it is easier said than done.

There is always a sense of doubt in me, because I am not sure how does someone react on being proposed, as I have not done anything of this kind earlier or for that matter seen how things like these pan out in real life.

The only time we see things like these are, on the screen in movies, and the last thing we can do, is just blindly believe and follow what is being shown to us on the big screen because in real life, the reactions could be totally uncalled for.

I so dearly hope that, delaying the proposal, does not make someone else take away what I so dearly love...

But on the other side, there is fear that maybe if I do ask her hand, I may even lose a friend in her and that's the last thing I want. And hence I'm in a tight spot....

I so badly hope, that I have this power of reading the other person's mind, because with that I could know in a instant, what "she" feels about me and then probably things could turn out to be much easier.

I was just going through some books from where I got to know, that the most powerful thing in life, is the Law of Attraction i.e the Law of love.

So what it says is that, all we have to do, is to visualise what we want for ourselves, and then the universe helps us in achieving what we have wished for.

You guys might have heard this dialogue from Shah Rukh Khan in his movies, but this was something that was written, and practiced from centuries.

So every day, the first thing I do is, I visualise that she is with me, and we are living the best moments of our lives together..... and I have even gone to the extent of visualising that we are M______D.

It's really the crazy, because we could imagine so many things and enjoy that feeling even though it's something which has not transpired in real. The power of a Human Brain is indeed beyond imagination.

So believe in this secret of :-

Ask Believe Receive

I have believed and I Hope I do Receive what I have wished for, sooner than later....
Need your best wishes to come my way because it's not that easy as it may seem...🤭

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