[6] The Ball (Part 1)

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This is the start of a multiple-part arc! I hope you all enjoy!

Kurapika was pacing back and forth in his room.

The ball was soon, a mere day away, actually, and his nerves just wouldn't settle no matter how hard he tried.

He'd tried reading, going to the gardens with Leorio, even requesting food from the kitchen, yet nothing could settle the bubbling anxiety that sat like a rock in his stomach.

Leorio couldn't help but be worried- he'd never seen the prince this anxious before. It was.. unusual, to say the least. Usually he's rather headstrong, straight-forward, blunt, even, but right now he was just a sack of shivering nerves. Every time he talked, it could just come out in a bit of a mumble.

"Kurapika, hey." Leorio walked over to Kurapika, who was pacing back and forth in deep thought in his room, placing a hand on his shoulder to bring his attention to him.
As soon as Leorio touched his shoulder, however, he flinched suddenly as he was broken from his thought.
"Oh! I'm sorry, were you saying something?"
"...No.. It's just that, you're so on edge, you've gotta calm down,"
"Easier said than done," The blonde mumbled, scrunching his eyes and looking down, before turning and sitting on the bed, defeated, "We've been trying to calm me down for hours, Leorio."

"Maybe, but.." Then Leorio had an idea. Dumb, to be honest, considering he hadn't thought to do this sooner, "Wait, what exactly is it about the ball that scares you?"

The ball. A grand ceremony held by the Kurta Royal family every year, allowing the entire kingdom to celebrate. Nobles and guests were allowed into the hall and courtyard, while civilians had their own celebrations of songs and dance in the streets of the kingdom.

Leorio remembered the celebrations taking place when he was young.. they were always so joyous, bright, and full of vibrant colours, the teeming with life from every corner of the kingdom.

The last ball didn't go well.

It was no wonder that Kurapika feared the ball so much. His parents went into that hall wishing to celebrate the occasion, and in return, were carried out in caskets.

An assassination wasn't even considered in such a big event, considering how many years the ball had been going on for.

To civilians, the story of how the king and queen died was very blurry. Muddled, clouded by rumours and tales, only Kurapika would know. He was there, after all.

It was natural to be curious, he couldn't be blamed for it, but obviously that curiousness didn't warrant an answer. And so, out of respect, Leorio had never questioned, hinted, or gestured towards his parents' demise. Anyone having spent some time with the prince and realising how little he mentioned them would know, whenever he did, his entire demeanor changed.

It was obvious he didn't enjoy remembering.

To be nervous for the ball was completely valid.

History could repeat, and that's what he feared.

"I know you're scared about the ball, but, if you can, you should try get it off of your chest to me,"
"I don't want to remember it, I just want it over with. I wish it was just a few days in the future," Leorio let him continue, "Plus, it's not just that, it's been 10 years since a ball was held. 10 years since that tragedy.. it's almost as if it's a special occasion. You've heard how the organisers have been talking.."
Leorio nodded. Oh, he's heard alright. None of them had any regard for the prince's feelings.. this is huge. A horrible memory he's going to be reliving.
"They just treat it like it's some party," Kurapika continued, breaking Leorio out of thought, "Like it's an anniversary. A celebration of a decade since I lost my parents. They've all been treating it more like a birthday than just ball." Kurapika huffed. "And no doubt General Hanzo will probably come out with some great speech about how great it was to serve the king and queen.."
"If you feel uncomfortable with that, I can check that he won't do that for you."
"No, no, let him. If he does I'll just show my disapproval after." Kurapika smirked slightly. That same smug smile.
"What, you gonna condemn him with your princely shunning powers?" Leorio jested,
"Oh- Shut up, you!" Kurapika elbowed him, but then began to laugh with him. "Thank you, though, seriously. I'd have been even worse if you weren't here."
Leorio smiled at him, and elbowed him back gently.

Prince Kurapika and Sir Leorio [Leopika Royalty AU]Where stories live. Discover now