Abner Ravenwood

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Abner Ravenwood was born on August  20th, 1873 in Chicago, Illinois. His parents were Thaddeus and Agnes Ravenwood. Thaddeus' job wasn't a fun one. He was a doctor that determined if injured soldiers were going to make it or not and tell their family members. Agnes was a stay at home mom.
When he was a young boy, his mother read him the book of Exodus in the Bible, which is where he heard about the Ark of the Covenant the first time. Ever since Abner was obsessed with the Ark of the Covenant. Abner was a studious, organized, outgoing, and strong-willed student. Abner didn't hang out with the other students.After Abner graduated from the University of Chicago in 1893, Abner became an archaeologist.
Abner became the archaeology professor at the University of Chicago in 1903, since William R Harper, the first president of the University of Chicago, wouldn't stop asking him to teach archaeology at the University. Abner wasn't interested in teaching, he was more interested in traveling all over the world finding their artifacts, but Harper persuaded him.
When he was a professor at the University of Chicago, Abner had a thin face, light brown eyes, and black straight hair, eventually with a hint of gray as he got older.He wore round-shaped glasses and wore a fedora that looked just like Indy's, instead it was black. He was kinda stocky. Abner naturally looked responsible.
What type of Professor Abner was? Professor Ravenwood at first was an impatient, over critical, had a hard time relaxing, and was inexperienced when it came to teaching other people archaeology, especially bad apples. Fortunately, Mataís,Suzanne, and Frank were there to support him and guide him through his first year. However as years passed he turned into a practical, analytical, observant, loves helping his students, critical but not over the top, more subtle in his actions, had a good memory, was quick and alert.
       On March 8th, 1906, Abner married Darla Smith, a hat designer. In 1909, Marion was born.
Did Abner know Indiana Jones? Obviously, he taught him archaeology. Not only was young Indy his student- he was his favorite. He loved him like a son. (Note: He wasn't his favorite student at first, but as he got to know young Indy over the years he grew to like him- that's another Wattpad)
Abner died at the age of 61 on 1934. Abner died in an avalanche in Nepal, so he was buried by snow and rocks I suppose.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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