Super Mario and the Champion of De...by NintendoJedi
A Super Paper Mario graphic novel!
NOTE: The manga reads left to right.
In the past, Mario has been called upon to save his kingdom many times before. After all, they do...
The Origin of Yoshiby BakuganEmporer7
This tells the story of Yoshi, about her adventures on her island, and with her temporary son, Baby Mario, and her brothers and sisters will fight Kamek to the end.
Super Mario World Cartoon Episode...by MagicalPony96
This is an new episode idea for the Super Mario World Cartoon.
Luigi's Mansion: Ghost Huntby Xen Martin
After the success of the Mario Movie, I made a couple of spin-offs for the movie, and no, this wouldn't be a Nintendo Cinematic Universe. I'm leaving up to just Mario an...
scary mario.exe story!!!by mariofannumber1
one day mario was chilling in yoshi island (and by that i mean stomping... koopas) when.... EVIL!!!!! mario got possesed by evil spirit called esemvii and then went bers...
Reform Worldby Lappy Sheep
The world was collapsed, but there is still hope for Mario as he ascends into the tower of Kaizo
Super Camp Lazlio Brosby luigicamplazlo1998
super mario camp lazlo cross over pls enjoy thanks =)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!