Amiriah. A young girl that was kidnapped due to the cruelty of humans. Scientist who kidnapped and tortured supernatural and mythical beings in order to "fix them". On the day of the execution a trio began planning an escape route. It failed...fortunately???After wandering through the woods they were finally saved. They were given a home and a family. *** At the tender age of 16, Kairos was already a formidable warrior, known for his bravery and loyalty to his pack. However, during one fateful battle, he encountered a powerful witch who had aligned herself with the enemy forces. In the heat of battle, Kairos faced off against the witch, determined to protect his pack and defend their territory. However, the witch, with a wave of her hand and a whispered incantation, she bound Kairos's fate, decreeing that he would be denied the bond of a mate for the rest of his days. The reasons behind the curse were multifaceted. Perhaps the witch saw Kairos as a threat to her own ambitions, viewing the potential strength of his lineage as a danger to her plans for dominance. Or perhaps she sought to inflict a more personal form of torment upon him, knowing that the loss of a mate would be a deep and lasting wound to his heart and spirit. Regardless of her motivations, the curse took hold swiftly and ruthlessly, leaving Kairos to grapple with the cruel twist of fate that had been imposed upon him. *** What happens when these two meet? *** WARNING ⚠️ this story contains trigger subject and age regression. Please don't bring your negative vibes here🤨👎🏼! Super good vibes only🤗
16 parts