Trials and Tribulations

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This chapter will be filled with smaller scenes with time skips as they grow up.

(3 months later)

The trio sat near the football field for lunch along with a couple of friends. They all passed food around the table to share with each other. They talked and joked amongst themselves. They were having a good time, but of course, it had to be ruined.

The trio found themselves in a cage of mockery as a group of kids walked towards them. Naomi rolled her eyes as she placed her elbow on the table and rested her face on her hands.

"What are you going to do Adonis? Cry to your mom?" The ring leader, Dylan taunted and the group laughed.

They all began to tune in talking about how Adonis was a  "wimp" because he never stood up for himself. Adonis's jaw taunted as their voice continued to echo. He tried to ignore them. But no matter how hard he tried to block out the taunts, they continued to pierce through his defenses like relentless arrows, each one leaving a fresh wound on his already fragile confidence. He was a mama's boy. He loved his mom with everything in him. She was the first person that had ever protected him. She was his everything.

"Aw, what's the matter? Can't do anything without your mommy holding your hand?" another bully jeered, shoving Adonis's shoulder roughly as if trying to push him further into the abyss of humiliation. Adonis fistballed and his eye twitched with annoyance and anger.

Elijah cast a weary glance at Adonis, his expression reflecting the weight of their shared burden. Ever since they had unveiled the truth to their packmates, their training regimen had intensified. Despite their progress,  they still lacked full control over their animal spirits, their powers a wild, untamed force waiting to be harnessed. But, this group of kids wasn't from the Mizuki pack, they had no knowledge of what Elijah, Adonis, and Naomi were capable of.

"Leave him alone!" Naomi commanded, her voice cutting through the taunts. Her fist hit the table gaining the attention of the outside pack.  "At least he was wanted. Your parents are stuck with an arrogant ankle bitter."

"What did you just say to me, human?" Dylan, seething with anger at the insult hurled his way, growled warningly, his eyes narrowing into slits as he locked gazes with Naomi. But she didn't flinch, leaning forward with a steely glare that dared him to challenge her further.

"You heard what I said, dog."

Dylan, Consumed by rage and humiliation, lunged forward with a clenched fist aimed at her. But before the blow could land, Adonis, fueled by a surge of protective instinct and anger that he would dare to raise his fist to a woman, to his sister at that, moved with lightning speed. His supernatural senses focused in on the impending danger, and in a blur of motion, he intercepted the bully's attack, his hands closing around the aggressor's wrist with a grip as unyielding as steel. Dylan's eyes widened for a moment not understanding how could Adonis move so fast. He looked towards Adonis and he somewhat froze. As Adonis's grip got tighter Dylan's breath hitched as he tried to pull his hand away. And not only was Adonis holding his wrist, but Elijah had his hand gripping his shoulder holding him back in place. Together, they exerted pressure on Dylan, their combined strength rendering him immobile.

"Touch my sister and I'll kill you." The both of them spoke at the same time after a moment of silence. Time seemed to freeze, the entire schoolyard holding its breath as Adonis's eyes blazed with a golden light, a silent warning to the bully who dared to threaten his sister.

As soon as their grips loosened, Dylan yanked away and stumbled back. His eyes wide with fear as he realized the gravity of his actions. They were much stronger than he thought, and they weren't human. His hand rubbing his shoulder would probably be bruised later. His eyes showed panic as he stared between Adonis and Elijah. Even with his super strength, he couldn't get out of their hold.

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