Facing the Unknown

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(Naomi above...let's pretend the hair is black... and the dress is more tattered and dirty)

Anon, Naomi, and Beast wandered the woods cautiously. They needed to find somewhere safe before it got too dark. Naomi, leaning on Beast for support, winced with each step, her injury evident. Anon cradled the unconscious young girl, her pulse a reassurance amidst the uncertainty. As they were walking, they heard the babble....the sound of water flowing. They followed the sound. Desperately wanting water and wanting to wash off the blood from their bodies at least. They decided that they would build a shelter there for the night. They sat their bags

"Hey...Wake up," Anon whispered, his voice a gentle murmur to avoid startling her. The girl stirred, a soft whine escaping her lips as she awoke to his careful shake. "You need to be rinsed off," Anon advised, attempting to guide her to stand. However, her weakened body couldn't support itself, prompting Anon to lift her once again.  Navigating the river's edge, he settled her on a nearby rock, the surface providing a makeshift seat. With a cupped hand, he scooped water from the flowing stream, letting it cascade over her, washing away the traces of blood from her delicate skin.

"I also grabbed a few medical tubes. Here's an ointment to put on her wounds and a bandage." Naomi said while handing him the supplies.

"Good thinking, Naomi." Anon praised.

"Beast is gathering wood and vines for us to make a shelter," Naomi updated him, unwrapping the bandage. Concern etched her face as she voiced their pressing dilemma, "How are we going to get out of these woods? We have no idea how to find our way."

Anon sighed, contemplating their options. "I don't know. But I think we should follow the river. It should lead us closer to a city or something," he suggested a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"Which way do we go, then?" Naomi inquired.

"I don't know," Anon murmured, acknowledging the uncertainty surrounding them. In the heart of the wilderness, their path was obscured, and the way forward remained unknown.

"I'm sleepy." The girl mumbled.

"You need to eat first. How about an apple?" Naomi asked. She nodded, so Naomi rummaged through the bags to search for an apple. They laid a blanket on the ground and let the girl wrap it around herself for warmth.

When Beast returned, they decided to build around the area the girl was sleeping in so they wouldn't have to move her. It was getting late, so they built as fast as they could. It didn't need to be perfect. It just needed to cover them. They used the water from the river and dirt to help stick things together. As they completed the shelter, Naomi arranged a couple of sticks in the shape of a cone. She rubbed her hands together and shot a determined glare at the arrangement.

"Naomi? What are you doing?" Beast inquired, raising a curious brow. He glanced at Anon, who shrugged. Beast sighed and shook his head.

"Shhh!" Naomi hushed them, intensifying her glare. An anticipatory silence settled between them. Suddenly, flames erupted from the sticks. Naomi cheered and leaped around while Anon nodded in approval.

"I didn't know you could do that!" Beast exclaimed, his surprise evident.

Naomi grinned, clapping her hands excitedly. She then turned around, poking her tongue out at Beast. In response, Beast glared at her and playfully pointed his tongue back.

"Beast, come help me catch some fish," Anon's voice carried over from the river. Responding to the call, Beast left Naomi with the sleeping girl and joined Anon by the water. Seated on the ground next to the slumbering girl, Naomi retrieved a bag and extracted blankets for the remaining members of their small party. Settling onto her blanket, she pulled her knees up to her chest.

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