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Claire POV.
King Cyrus fine ass in media 🔥

The color from my face drains away. Before I can react, King Cyrus slings me around by my shirt and smashes me into the wall, holding me in a place like I'm nothing more than a mere rag doll. The wall and his body are the bread and my body is sandwiched in between the two.

The impact of his swift movement is nowhere near as scary as the animalistic look in his eyes like he's ready to devour his prey, to drain every ounce of my blood.

All hope is gone, screw playing a stupid game of chess. I'd rather play hide and seek, running and hiding away from my new captor.

His thick, dark mahogany hair is smothering my face. I can feel his eyes burning holes into my skull. It's so nerve-wracking that I think I might faint.

His voice sounds extremely dangerous as he asks me, "Is that fear I smell? What happened to the brave and foolish human that we analyzed at this year's auction?"

Brave? Fuck, no. Foolish. Hell, yes.

"Sir, please."

His voice holds a sound of amusement as he responds, "You're begging now, Claire?" His laughter follows after his words. "I thought you would put up a better fight." His dark laughter does nothing to ease my fear. "Pity, I guess I was wrong about you being different. Every human cave to the law of the lands eventually, how could you not? After all, you're nothing but a weak and submissive human."

The tone of his voice and his words change my stricken fear into a mixing pot of rage. I don't like his statement one bit. This filthy leech doesn't have the right to speak to me like that, king or not. I don't even allow King Nicklaus to get away with speaking to me like I'm nothing unless he forces me to with his creepy leech control. Either way, I will not stand for it. I'd rather die first.

With my newfound courage, I respond with a mouth full of venom, "If you're going to end me, just do it, you blood-sucking leech."

I stretch out the last word just to piss him off, then I purposefully stare straight into his eyes. I'm doing exactly what I do best—getting under his kind's pale skin.

Vampires hate it when humans stare into their eyes, especially while talking to them. To stare at a vampire during a conversation is the same as asking them to kill you. You are declaring that you are their equal, and that's one thing that their kind refuses to accept. They have too big of a blood-lust ego.

His hazelnut orbs change into lava.

"Are you challenging me, slave?"

The darkness of his voice sets me back on edge, but I refuse to back down. I continue to stare at his eyes head-on, challenging him further.

A second later, the anger in his features seems to disappear completely, nonexistent. He abruptly releases me and turns on his heel, continuing to walk in the direction we were originally heading in. He's acting as if nothing ever happened.

Shock drenches my soul. King Cyrus just walked away, turning his back on me like I didn't disrespect everything his kind stands for.

I take that moment to breathe, lowering my head and allowing my racing heartbeat to calm down.

Wrong move.

Suddenly, his strong hand grips onto my rose-gold hair. He yanks a handful of it and throws me across the hall. The scream that releases from my mouth is short-lived. He catches me by my neck and crushes my windpipes.

"Rule number one, never take your eyes off your enemy."

His dangerous voice, as well as his stare, is dark.

The King Of All Vampire Kings (Book 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now