|32| ~ Its getting hot && spicey~

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King Nicklaus POV.

I make my way back to my private chamber seconds later. I'm still struggling with controlling my monster. He wants blood. He wants that pathetic excuse of vampire blood, but he can't have him.

The first thing I hear when I step inside is Claire's steady heartbeat.

She is still asleep. I can sense that Xander is upstairs with her. He is the only one besides Claire's private guards that has access to my private wing. Nannie is also here, she's in the kitchen cooking. Most likely, making Claire some pancakes.

My Beloved love's Pancakes I don't understand why? They are such terrible tasting things.

I go to my room to take a quick shower and clean myself up. Everyone is waiting patiently for me, as I make my way downstairs. Count Cloven and Duke Aldon are sitting on the couch.

Xander is leaning against the wall, holding a glass of blood. He is still very angry. Lieutenant Astrid and Commander Vlad are both using their left knee to kneel down, heads bowed and backs straight.

"You may rise!" I tell them, "There is no need for pleasantries. Let's get straight to the point." My eyes rank over the both of them. My monster is already at the surface. He wants the blood of Claire's attacker, and the ones that should have been there to protect her.

Master Azazel may be protected by the law but Lieutenant Astrid and Commander Vlad has broken it. They have defied my command, and didn't follow my direct order's. Nothing can save them.

The moment Vlad stands to his full height! I'm in front him, grabbing him the base of his neck with my bare hand. "Explain yourself," I order! He is the best of the best.

There is absolutely no reason he should have failed, protecting my beloved. I assigned him to protect Claire because of that particular reason. So what he doesn't know who or what? Claire is to me. An order is an order.

As commander it is his job to follow orders. It is his job to give his life in order to follow my command. He's a disappointment.

"Forgive me," says Vlad. His eyes are placed onto the floor. He knows better than to look me in the eyes. At this moment, he is my prey. "I was communicating with the Northern Kingdoms comrades."

"There was another attack. The dogs, have issued a direct Attack on King Cyrus Palaces. Many were dying. The intelligence team requested to speak with me. Once, I became aware of how big of a threat our armies were facing. I summoned Lieutenant Astrid. She was the only one who has come face to face with Lycans on our team," he continued to explain.

"Lycans," I ask him before dropping him to his feet. Cyrus mentioned once before that werewolves and Lycans have teamed up, but even with that. A direct attack on the Northern palace is declaring war. I turn to face Clove, "Is it true?" I ask.

He answers with a single nod of his head. "Very well then, I grant forgiveness to the both of you."

"However," Xander cuts in. "If this ever happens again. I shall end you myself." He tells them, with cold and calculating eyes. They both bow and accept his words with no argument. One thing is clear. He will take action behind his threat. "The new moon is in three days," tells Xander. "Are we prepared to depart?"

"Yes. However, we are leaving at once. I will not allow my dear friend to continue to fight alone," I tell him. Everyone stands to their full height, bow their heads and gets straight to their task. It's time to take a trip to North America.

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