|67|~Cyprus Island Palace~

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Claire POV.

As soon as I open my eyes, the world seems different—well, I seem different. I'm perfectly aware that I've changed and am still changing. My senses are more heightened. My sense quality has improved threefold more than they were before I fell asleep. An unsettling emotion booms through my core. Something is wrong, but for some reason, I don't feel afraid. In all honesty, I feel like I'm ready to take on the world. Whoever is dumb enough to come my way shall die.

Period. Point blank.

My monster is no longer a different person. Someway, we have become one overnight. Our minds are in sync as though we have an unspoken agreement, at least right now. Something has changed. I can't quite place my finger on it, not that I want to. The world around me appears to be different, and I love it. I've never felt so powerful and content in my life. All my worries from yesterday are left in yesterday. They are long gone.

Today is a new day. This taste of power coursing through my entire body is addictive. Even the one inside the emerald in the pendant is going haywire. The electric currents flow within me, blending as one in perfect harmony. I can also feel a much darker and more primal power running through my veins, tainted with a hint of light. I welcome all this intoxicating power with open arms. This wicked, dark, and extremely delightful power is clenching on my soul.

I'm in love, and the bond that I have with Nicklaus has been amplified. The need for him is at an all-time high. It's a craving I know I can't survive without.

His brothers are now my brothers, Vlad and Marcellus included. I can feel the loyalty, protection, and love they have for me running deep inside my core. I can also feel their fear and unsettling nerves of the unknown. The dreadful feeling of what's to come is hanging heavily over their heads. All of them are worried about how the kings and other vampires will feel about me.

I honestly don't care. I mean, I want to be accepted and connected to them all because Nicklaus's people are now my people. His friends and loved ones are now my friends and loved ones too. I don't really want to fight them. However, if it comes down to a threat against the ones who are loyal to me and the ones who aren't, so help me God. We shall win.

Getting out of bed also feels foreign. My feet are quicker and abnormally stronger, ready for whatever trained to go, but somehow I know my appearance is much more delicate and softer than usual.

When I take a look in the mirror that hangs above the bed, I almost don't recognize myself. Since day one of being a part of Nicklaus's world, I've felt prettier than usual. I know that my vampire gene has uplifted my beauty in ways that no one could understand but myself. The little insecurities I once had when I was still a human have been vanquished and replaced with a different type of self-confidence. There is this inner knowing that I am far more beautiful than I have ever given myself credit for, and I can see that as I stare at my reflection in the mirror. My golden hair is longer, more golden, and is completely full, luscious even. My skin is blemish-free, not a mark in sight and I'm flawlessly glowing. Flawless would be an understatement.

The emerald glows all of a sudden, and my eyes flash electric green along with it.

OMG! Now, that's bewitching. Wait, bewitching! See what I mean? Even my vocabulary isn't my own.

I sigh, and my eyes travel to the window. The plane is preparing for landing. We are getting closer and closer to Nicklaus's kingdom. Don't ask me how. I just know. His home is calling my name, calling out to my soul. Just through the window, I can tell his kingdom experiences a lot of balmy days. The sun is shining brightly, and the morning sky is clear. The clouds, pure white and fluffy, seem thicker from right here.

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