|38| ~Equal Measured Attraction~

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Claire Pov.

I stare into his familiar and unique green eyes, blinking twice just to see if my mind is playing tricks on me. It's him. His handsome heart-shaped face, his sun-kissed golden hair, and his bulky and muscular frame are right in front of me. The slave boy is here in the flesh, alive.

He flashes me a cocky smile.

My God, he is most certainly here and well.

"You're the last person I expected to see here," he says to me.

I bet. You're supposed to be dead.

"How are you here?" I ask, skeptically. I'm still unsure about this one. Maybe the creepy alleyway hosts ghostly figures.

His smile deepens. "I could ask the same thing about you," he tells me, as he runs his hands through his perfect golden hair. Our physical resemblance is mind-blowing.

Is it weird that I'm attracted to a man that can pass as my brother? Don't answer that. I already know how weird it is.

"The vampires were attacked by humans that turn into wolves. We took that as our chance to escape," he reveals, holding out his hand for a girl to take.

My attention shifts to the girl beside him. She is also a pretty slave but basic. Well, I have seen better-looking humans before. She is my height or shorter. Her pixie haircut does little to shape her narrow face. The warmth in her brown eyes is her best feature. As I said, she is basic.

"Are there others?" I ask, placing my focus back on the golden boy.

"Yes. Some others escaped, but we split up once we saw the kings rush in.

"The kings?" I ask. Nicklaus. Oh crap, he is still here. "We must go at once."

"What do we have here?" questions an oddly familiar voice from behind us.

I turn to face the one and only creepy ole Mecca. My hands tighten into two little fists. "You ditched me," I tell her.

Oh, she found a shirt. Now, look at that. What type of friend leaves her human friend to go search for clothes? I thought dogs were supposed to be loyal.

Her highlighted yellow eyes shift to my golden boy. I mean the slave boy. You will think that she didn't hear a word I said. She looks at the two slaves' entwined fingers and then back at him.

"You look so much better with Claire," she says.

My jaw hits the floor. The golden boy blushes and his friend yanks her hand out of his grasp.

Ouch! I know that hurt, and of course, creepy ole Mecca releases a hearty laugh.

"Come on, humans. I've seen some of my pack mates go east of the city."

The slave girl glares. "Why should we follow you?"

"You can do what you want, human," Mecca replies with a growl. "I only care about Claire, so if you want to walk back into the hands of your captors, be my guest." She grabs my arm and pulls me to her.

My eyes lock with the golden slave boy's eyes. He seems to be contemplating. I can tell he wants to follow but doesn't want to leave his friend on her own.

With a stomp of her feet, she follows. How childish? The slave boy follows behind us.

This is going to be one long walk.

* * *

We have been walking through the city for over an hour now. We use the shadows behind the building as blankets, hiding, and ducking whenever Mecca picks up a scent. Mecca said that her packmates must have used pure undiluted silver in their weapons to mask their smell. Apparently, vampires are allergic to it. I have no clue what that really is.

The King Of All Vampire Kings (Book 1) ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora