|81|~The Timeline of Events~

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Claire POV.

"Why the hell would you allow that bitch anywhere near my beloved?" I hear my beloved roar, sounding way past the point of livid. His scent lingers in the air like smoke.

I'm lying on an extremely comfortable bed, and my body is tangled in fine silk sheets. They don't smell like him, so I know that I am not in our beds. However, the soft sound of crashing waves and the calming scent of the sea lingers around me.

It feels like home. We are still in our Kingdom.

I can feel, hear, and smell everything around me but my mind is halfway there... Half elsewhere!

"I swear on my life, blood, and soul if she doesn't awake! I'll end you. Brother or not!"

All eight Kings are present I can feel their concern for me circling through our bond.

"You're beloved!" Xander hisses. ″Your beloved!" Somehow I know they are spitting venom into one another's face. Both of them need to calm down. I'm fine, unable to open my eyes but I'm fine.

"Since, day one I've protected Claire, even when you were too pussy to claim her as your beloved." Xander's voice booms. I swear the bed just shook underneath me. "Claire is like a sister to me. I would give her all the air in my body, just so she can continue to breathe. I'll give her my heart, just so her heart can beat louder. I will give her my life, in exchange for her to live. I've have been there for Claire before your bitch as grew some balls and gained the courage to admit that you actually cared for her."

"Ouch, I know that hurts," Marcellus doesn't even try to whisper. Xander and Nicklaus growl at the same damn time. God, I love him! He damn sure knows when to crack a joke.

"Mind your tongue." My beloved spits. His monster is taking control, even with my eyes glued shut I know his eyes are bloodshot red. I can't decipher if he is speaking to Xander or Marcellus.

Out of nowhere, a sudden ache throbs viscously inside of my skull, completely switching my focus. My entire body starts to tremble, unable to withstand this sudden pain.

"What's happening to her," one of the King questions, sounding worried. At this moment, I can't identify the voice. I'm starting to lose focus. My soft heartbeat feels gentler than usual, almost silent.

My mind starts to shift from the present to the past. One minute, memories of a tragedy plague my brain. The next minute, my beloved shouting my name and panicking, reels me back in.

His electrifying touch sparks fire within me as he scoops me into the safety of his arms. He holds me close to his Greek sculpture of a chest, "Firecracker," he whispers in my ears. I shiver.

My head rolls freely and I feel his soft and pleasured filled hands cup my face. "Open your eyes for me, firecracker." His voice sounds distant.

I can hear the other barking orders and scatter around like ants around me. For the life of me, I can't open my eyes.

"Where the fuck is the healer," one of them shouts.

"Her heart is slowing down," another asks.

"Perhaps she is in a dream state," someone suggests. Maybe, Marcellus! "That's got to be it! One of Aurora's daughters did it to me before... She's a clever and freaky little witch! She likes to spell me to sleep, quite often!" That has to be Marcellus.

"Lay her down," says an unknown voice.

I feel the vibrating sensation from his chest, indicating that he just growled. It's becoming harder and harder to hear. The wind rushes around me. Someone or something tugs my body, pulling me away from him. I whimper.

The King Of All Vampire Kings (Book 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now