|69| ~You are the one~

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Claire POV.

As we make our way out of the room, I can feel his anger rushing through my veins. Emotions boiling like hot lava swirl inside me. His power lingers in the air like a thick cloud of smoke, and it's nearly impossible to breathe. I'm surprised I haven't choked.

If Nicklaus had gotten his way, the princess would have been vanquished into a pile of ashes.

With that in mind, I cling to his arms for her dear life. Princess B*tch really does owe me one.

The moment we're out in the hallway, I smash my body straight into his. Finally, I feel like I can breathe again.

"Be calm, my ass-kissing king," I whisper softly in his ear before pulling his beautiful face to rest over my heart.

The intense rage causes a fever to form inside us, spreading quickly like wildfire, and the only way to turn down the heat is by allowing it to run its course. I know exactly what he needs, and it's me. I wrap my arms tightly around him, securing my position. Nicklaus's nostrils flare widely as he takes in my scent. I cup his face with my hands, and he shivers. I run my fingers down the side of his neck, giving him time to enjoy the electric current that sparks out of my skin into his.

Nicklaus growls softly when I release his face, only to run my hands through his velvety hair. Once again, my touch makes him shiver.

The sounds in the thriving palace seem to deaden, then silence soon envelops us. Nothing can be heard except the soft beating of my heart and our short, deep breaths. Quite a few servants, slaves, and men in black are walking around us, but none of them dare to stop or stare. They continue with their daily tasks like we are invisible. There is no doubt in my mind that the little moment that I and Nicklaus are having will be the new gossip in the slave quarters later on. But at this moment, none of that matters. Keeping Nicklaus calm is my number one priority.

I continue to hold him close to my heart. I know the soft beating of my heart is his favorite sound. His distinctive cedarwood and expensive cologne aroma wash all over me. Out of concern for his pain-in-the-ass sister, I refuse to let him go. I still can't believe her. Actually, I'll take that back. I can believe her. She is her mother's daughter. Some genetic traits are inevitable. His sister is the demon child, birthed by the devil herself. How unfortunate!

Well, let me not be a hypocrite because neither Nicklaus nor Xander is any saint. In fact, they might be the devil split in half.

I quickly shake that thought out of my head. Right now isn't the time to be cracking jokes even if it's a truthful joke.

After a short period of time of breathing in each other's scent, Nicklaus pulls away and brings his inhumanly beautiful face directly in front of my own. I almost whine from the loss of his skin contact. At this rate, I don't believe that any amount of time touching him will ever be enough, not even an eternity of doing it will be long enough in my book. I'm utterly infatuated with him.

Nicklaus catches me off guard when his feather-like lips place a gentle kiss on the center of my forehead.

"Thank you," he whispers huskily, his chiseled chin on top of my head.

"There is no need to thank me, my love," I tell him, slightly pulling away. I stare into his soul-snatching, piercing, chilling, silver-cerulean eyes. I swear I can float adrift inside them. They are so beautiful. He's so beautiful.

"There is so much I should thank you for, Claire. You saved—"

I softly kiss his plump lips, cutting him off. "If anything, I have saved her."

The King Of All Vampire Kings (Book 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now