~What's Done is Done~

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Nicklaus POV.
Two weeks later...

The battle has been won, but the war has just officially begun.

My father has been detained. The council has been detained, but my not so sweet baby sister and bitch of a mother somehow managed to escape, taking the traitorous bitch Duke Aldon along with them and that's just the start of our problems.

Claire and I union have seemed to piss off the entire globe.

Starting with the werewolves, they basically said fuck the treaty, and it all started with the dog bitch Mecca. We recently discovered, that she has been doing a lot of eavesdropping during her time in the dungeon, and has used all of that information that she obtained to stir up trouble in South America.

Apparently, the only way she was able to sway the werewolf community to say fuck the vampire treaty was by forming a new treaty with the hunters.

Together with over the last two weeks, they have freed over a thousand future slaves from the boarding schools in North America. The bitch plan has made her a hero to humans, an asset to hunters, and war-god to the werewolves. She is now, rumored to be the commander of the new werewolf army, and thanks to the Lycan Prince infatuation for Cyrus beloved Embry.

Oh, yeah the bitch and his beta are still alive. For now anyway...

Back to the current topic, the Lycans have not only blessed the she-wolf path of vengeance, but they also have decided to join her on her path to destruction.

I believe it's safe to say that the she-wolf bitch has officially become a royal pain in my ass.

North and South America are really spiraling out of control. To make matters worse, I've only learned all of this information two nights ago. Luckily, for the mutt Claire, my dog-loving beloved was the one to receive the news from Count Cloven.

Instead, of notifying myself and the other Kings right away she burned the letter in an attempt to keep this information from getting to me, and the other Kings believing that she would secretly be able to get the situation under control. Claire was under the impression that she could handle the situation in a peaceful way.

When I was first informed about it and addressed Claire she rolled her eyes and I quote stated, "The slaves weren't going to be slaves for much longer anyway Nicklaus, get over it." Get over it! I swear I could have fucked her to death, making her tight walls fold, while screaming I apologize Nicklaus. I'm sorry my King.

You can have your way with me into you (Get Over It!)

She is so stubborn. She believed that eventually her pet Mecca would calm down and won't take it too far. "She is a good person, Nicklaus. She's will eventually see reason."

Oh, boy! Was she wrong! As a consequence of my beloved actions, the werewolves were able to attack and successfully raid Cyrus's estate. They killed any and every vampire on-site, including Cyrus's aunt, Lady Katherine.

My best friend won't ever be able to bury his aunt properly because Count Cloven has informed us that the werewolves have ripped her body apart shred from shred. He made it back to us this morning, seconds away from death with a box stringed around his neck. Inside the box was Cyrus's darling aunt's head with a note attached that read death to all leeches. Oh, and fuck your treaty gift.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to learn who has created the new nickname for vampires.

Thankfully, he doesn't blame my hard-headed beloved. He understands that she has a gentle heart. Even though, that doesn't excuse the loss that we suffered because of her lack of judgment. As he stated what's done is done, but he will not rest into the world is ridden of their kind, with the exemption of Embry of course.

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