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Louis woke up bright and early on Sunday morning, a yawn involuntarily slipping through his mouth as he stretched his small frame. Harry still wasn't awake, so Louis could only guess that it would be a regular occurrence and that he should get used to waking Harry up after him. He quickly pressed the home button on his phone instead of the power button, using the bigger button as a shortcut so he wouldn't have to move his hand from how he was holding the phone. It was only half past eight, so it wasn't exactly early but it wasn't late either.

However, Louis had a lecture at eight o'clock on Monday, bright and early. That wasn't the greatest for someone who doesn't even know his way around the University.

Louis moved to the area that was supposed to be the kitchen, though it was quite poorly maintained, and it was small. There was a stove, a kettle and a sink, a fridge-freezer, along with many cupboards to store food in. There was a community washing room on the top floor for clothes, but Louis might just get Harry to do that because he was extremely antisocial and unwilling to walk that far for clean clothes unless he was proper desperate.

He looked around for any cups and everything needed to make tea. He sighed when he guessed Harry didn't like tea and he only figured it out when he saw at least three full glasses of ground coffee beans. What type of person didn't appreciate a good cup of tea? Maybe he just hasn't had Louis' tea yet. Not to brag or anything, but Louis' tea was probably the best to ever exist.

He walked over to the sleeping lad and as tempting as it was to pour water over him, Louis decided against it because he knew how much he hated it himself and didn't want to put anyone else through that type of pain unless it was Zayn- he still needed to get back at Zayn for the time he did it a few months ago.

"Harry? Haz? Hazza? Can you wake up lovely, I need you a second." Louis coaxed Harry awake with a mix of pet names and soft touches. It wasn't the greatest option to use when Harry was practically a stranger, but Louis figured that it would work best. The boy opened his eyes, which were now extremely dark from sleep. Louis found it rather hot, the grass green colour from his eyes now turned an almost unfamiliar shade of green, too dark to establish a stable shade. Stop thinking like that!

He was definitely in deep shit, Zayn knew it before Louis even knew.

"Hey Lou." Harry smiled dopely, and Louis cooed almost inaudibly. Harry was so soft when he was tired, nothing like when he was fully conscious and quiet and mysterious about everything that he did.

"I'm just going to the shop, alright? Thought I should let you know in case you wonder where I went. Do you need anything?" Louis mumbled softly, not wanting to annoy Harry after he just woke up- Louis also hated loud noises when he woke up so he is only basing everything from what he knows about himself.

"Peppermint chewing gum. There's a tenner on my drawers. Keep the change." Harry mumbled, covering his face with the scrunched duvet that was conveniently very close to his head anyways. Louis just smiled fondly at the younger boy. He wasn't going to take Harry's money because chewing gum was three packs for one pound, and that wasn't worth taking ten pounds with him. Harry could take it as a present for being so nice to him. Maybe Louis should get him a proper present too- but he was going to Tesco's, so Lord knows what Louis would get him. Tesco either had the best or worst assortment of things to buy judging by what time it was in the day.

He quickly changed into Red jeans and a stripey top, topped off with suspenders and some white vans. Louis styled his hair quickly, not bothering with gel because he didn't want to ruin his hair texture or health with it. He looked at his hair again and huffed, deciding not to waste anymore time and threw a grey beanie on it, flattening the effortless style that he had attempted.

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