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They sat at the back of the classroom yet again. Harry always seemed to have an empty seat next to him, but Louis didn't think anything of it. Maybe Harry was just a shy person. Harry was a lot different during classes than in the dorm. He seemed a little...Closed off?

Since the class had already started, Louis ripped out a page from his notebook so they could communicate without the teacher knowing.

U Ok?

Simplicity. Can't go wrong with it. He passed it to Harry, who read it quickly, since it was just two words, two words that might not even get an answer judging by the look on Harry's face. But he was proved wrong when Harry wrote down slowly, the fountain pen scraping the paper slightly. Harry was a little bit extra because a ballpoint pen would have sufficed. It was just a class.

Harry passed the paper back to Louis discretely since the teacher was walking over to their table. Louis hid it under his notebook and scribbled down what was on the whiteboard in front of them.

"Oscar Wilde." She began from behind Louis and Louis almost shat his pants. Why the fuck does every teacher find it necessary to shout right behind them. "Was an Irish poet and playwright. He became associated with the emerging philosophy of aestheticism. Best known for his novel The Picture of Dorian Gray."

Louis rolled his eyes. This was something he learnt in year 10 as something to introduce him to the GCSE literature.

"Can anyone tell me a quote they like? It doesn't have to be a novel, but has to be associated with Wilde himself." The teacher explained. Okay, seemed easy, but Louis didn't want to answer. A few hands raised in the class, Harry's being amongst them.

"Mr.Styles. A pleasure to see you're making an effort this year. Care to share with us all?" The woman had a tight-lipped grin on her face, a very obviously fake one. Louis furrowed his eyebrows, what did she mean by that? Harry puts loads of effort in from what he's seen.

"I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them to enjoy them and to dominate them." Harry's gravelly voice spoke, bouncing off the walls of the room. He recited the quote from memory. His face remained emotionless, but his eyes were a whirlwind of emotions.

"Excellent Mr.Styles! May I ask why you chose that quote in particular?"

"No you may not." Louis stifled a laugh and watched as Harry leaned back in his seat with a smirk on his face, satisfied with the outcome of the situation.

"I see you haven't changed one bit." Mrs.Tomlinson sighed but kept her professional state. She looked around the classroom then towards Louis. Oh fuck no. "Mr.Tomlinson, let's see what you have in store for us, seeing as you're new here."

Oh she did not just do that.

"Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future." Louis smiled as the words rushed out. It was the first that came to mind, not the nicest to choose though. He grimaced at the choice.

"That was a bold choice for you sir." She nodded. Mrs.Tomlinson seemed happy with the answer nonetheless, and continued to pester other students about more quotes. Louis snuck a look at the note Harry passed back to him, now that the lady had quit the lingering stare. Really, it was dead creepy.

Fine, just thinking.

Well that was slightly cryptic. Harry was staring at the front of the room, dreading what Louis was going to do next. Louis huffed, wanting desperately just to understand what Harry is thinking, what the fuck goes through his head.

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