Chapter 33

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The dim glow from the moon glinted off the blade as C's dragged the flat side over the jugular artery at Chubbs' neck. A second later the fresh scent of piss offended his nostrils.

"Aw hell," Ant said, taking a step back from the trail of urine rolling down Chubbs legs to soak the orange dirt only inches away from his 'J's'. "This nigga just pissed and you haven't even stuck his ass yet."

"Wonder what will happen when I finally do cut his ass like a birthday cake," C's muttered to himself, while poking the excess flesh under Chubbs' chin with the pointy end of the blade. "Bet his big greesy ass'll bleed butter instead of red. Can't wait to find out."

Chubbs' eyes cowered from C's to gaze over his shoulder at some of the vatos who surrounded them. Each dude in his squad had a gun aimed at various parts of Chubbs' oversized body. They were under strict orders to fire on him if he fucked around and inhaled too deep. He didn't do that strapped to a chair bullshit that hood movies ran into the dirt. Fuck bondage. A nina could nail Chubbs' funky ass to the ground better than any rope, cuffs, or chains. Fear kept his culo in check. Standing encircled by a gang of killers in an abandoned clay pit, in nothing more than a pair of pissy ass boxers, freezing his fucking cojones off, would scare some of the baddest motherfuckers motionless.

Grabbing Chubbs by the nape of his neck, C's pressed the tip of his blade into his triple chin. "How long did your fat ass think you could dodge me in my city? Did you really think that I wouldn't eventually put hands on you after what the fuck you did, Chubbs?" Excess flesh jiggled as Chubbs damn near caught whiplash from shaking his head so hard. C's ignored his silent denial and continued. "Even though I couldn't abide your bitch ass I still broke product and kept your greedy ass fed. Fucking around with me your pockets ran the fuck over."

With wild eyes popped wide, Chubbs nodded. "You kept your boy straight," he agreed in a broken whisper.

"So why the hell did your fat ass try to take a bite out of the hand that fed you?" Enraged and feeling more than a little tried, he pressed the blade into Chubbs' flesh until deep crimson fluid pooled around the tip. Chubbs whimpered like a new born puppy. "Holla at me! Put me up on that motherfucka."

"You gotta believe me, C's. I...I..." Chubbs stuttered.

" bitch?" He mimicked, so close in his grill now he could smell the hot garbage on his breath. "Spit that shit so I can hurry up an put your ass in the ground. Big as you is, we're gonna be diggin' all night, vato."

"You bein' robbed wasn't on me," he said. "Estevan and your peoples might as well stuck a glock to my dome. Swear to god, C's. I wanted no parts of that shit."

C's narrowed his eyes until his vision tunneled. "The fuck you mean, Estevan and my peoples?" He snapped, dragging the blade through the surface Chubbs skin like it was nothing more than a bar of slightly warmed butter. "Your punk ass is surrounded by my peoples, holmes. They the ones who plan to let the air outta your fat ass when I give the word."

"I don't know," Chubbs said as his gaze darted over the faces of guys he could see. "He maybe from one of your other blocks."

"That shit don't even sound right. Go ahead and do his ass C's so we can bounce," Ant said, uncocking his gun and pointing the barrel at the ground. "It's colder than a bitch without a sex drive out here. Plus my arm's gettin' tired. This pendejo ain't worth all of this."

C's ignored him. "What the fuck he looked like? Dark, mouth full of open faces and covered in tatoos?"

If it was Taz ass, he'd bust right there in his boxers. He'd finally have just cause to blow the alliance and take his snake ass off his feet.

Lighter Shade of Brown (Urban Fiction) BWHMWhere stories live. Discover now