Chapter 2

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The general leaned against the wall, lazily spinning a blade as it was passed from finger to finger. "What's your strategy?" He asked, looking over to the taller man.

Namjoon was seated looking over the map of the city of Cladem. Namely the landscape surrounding it, including the mountains and mines. "I'm trying to calculate the odds," he explained, scribbling on some paper with a piece of charcoal.

Caldem was right next to a mountain range, which hosted the mineral-rich mines providing them with their weapons. Mountains, if utilized correctly, could be a valuable asset for a military assault.

"We'll be victorious regardless of which you choose," Yoongi hummed as he spun the blade once more.

He of course already knew that, he was the lieutenant of Gloria, afterall. But he wanted to know which way could spare the most lives- enemy and ally.

The general put down the blade, coming over to look at the detailed map and scribbles. "Decent terrain, nothing you can't handle easily."

The lieutenant nodded, "there is a lot that could work. Attrition, blitzkrieg, or feint. I'll get Hoseok's opinion." He sat up, overlooking the papers once again as his mind raced.

Yoongi put a hand on his partner's shoulder and grinned, "I'll get him for you, I know you don't like to lose focus."

Which was true, the strategist got his own mindspace when it came to tricky problems. Yet he was Kim Namjoon, the mastermind behind the majority of their most difficult and profitable attacks. The near perfect plans were due in part to these uninterrupted analytical sessions. "Thank you," he sighed in relief, quickly falling back into his seat. "But try not to fool around too much."

The elder laughed, shaking his head. "You know I can't do that."

Namjoon rolled his eyes as he returned his focus on the maps before him.


Yoongi knocked raps on the door to the marshal's quarters, waiting with a yawn.

The door flew open quickly, and the general was met with a face full of sunshine.

"Hi!" The owner of the room greeted with a bright grin, looking down slightly to the smaller man.

The general gripped onto the marshal's collar, tugging down and planting a kiss.

Hoseok hummed, pulling Yoongi closer.

Once the duo separated for a chance to breathe, Yoongi chuckled lightly. "Joon needs you, told me not to get distracted."

He snorted in reply, running his hand through the elder's hair. "Lets not keep him waiting."


Namjoon didn't raise his head nor move in the slightest when he heard the knocks and shuffling of feet. He only took his gaze off the maps when he heard the telltale signs of Hoseok and Yoongi together. "That didn't take you long," he teased.

"I would've got scolded otherwise," Yoongi chuckled, to which Hoseok nodded in agreement.

The lieutenant rolled his eyes with a grin before beckoning the latter forth.

"What do we got?" Hoseok asked, turning his focus onto his military duties. One of the virtues of the marshal was that he could switch between the mindsets of marshal to lover, both with perfection. An excellent boyfriend and an excellent marshal.

Of course, they were all excellent military officers and even more excellent boyfriends.

Namjoon scooted over, patting to his left as he picked up the map. Yoongi stood behind the two, looking at the piece of paper that was handled by the two men.

"Well, you know me, I prefer it fast and rough," Hoseok grinned as Yoongi snorted, "but I'll support whatever you choose."

Namjoon had dwindled it down to two options. Yet one could be quite risky. Either spare thousands or take their innocent lives; yet it all came down to the opposing forces. "Would you agree that it is likely for one of Inimicus' leading officers to be in Cladem?"

Hoseok paused, thinking. "Pretty likely, I guess, maybe even guaranteed. It would be a huge deficit to them if they lost the city."

The lieutenant nodded, "which means they likely have some portion of an army at their command. If we just take a squadron or platoon, we may be gravely outnumbered. No matter our skill, I don't like those odds. Nor do I want to gamble our soldier's lives."

Hoseok nodded in agreement, trying to ignore how Yoongi's hand was slipping down his shirt.

Namjoon seemed to be ignoring his eldest boyfriend's intrusions quite well.

"Well we can decide in the morning, after Yoongi gives us a proper send off tonight."

The general flashed a gummy smile, "I'm happy to be of service."

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