Chapter 6

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"Siege?" Hoseok echoed, "Joon, siege? They have an admiral here. Spreading our soldiers out will just leave them vulnerable, we can't gamble with their lives."

Namjoon sighed, expecting this sort of a reaction. Hoseok wasn't really one to play slow game, rather quite the opposite. "The admiral has the option to surrender. If not, a head-to-head battle with the admiral's soldiers is bound to cost us more men. Our soldiers can hold their own in a siege, if that's what it comes down to."

The marshal crossed his arms, looking at the lieutenant as his mind raced. "I don't understand why a siege of all options. We can just take it by force."

"We need to bring the civilians back to Gloria, and with the size of Cladem, we can't bring them all back without risk of someone getting harmed. Regardless of their actions, after we win, we'll have a fair bit of time to escort everyone to safety." Namjoon explained calmly.

Hoseok bit the inside of his cheek as he thought it over. "Okay. Then how else do we precede? Deploy the soldiers?"

The lieutenant nodded, beginning to pace around in circles, a habit that he had for the longest time. None of his boyfriends ever brought it up, however. "I'll take the bravo team, cover the northern half of the territory. You take alpha and cover the south. Charlie team will help bring the rescued citizens back to Gloria."

Hoseok nodded, "I'll head back to the camp with my team and inform them."

The marshal turned around, raising his arm and giving the signal to his team that their job was done, that they were ready to go and prep for their new battle.

Namjoon sighed, knowing that the marshal was not the happiest at the moment with him. It was true to say that he should have informed the marshal about his plan well before. Hell, he should have come up with the plan long before. Hoseok didn't like last minute plans, especially when it came to battle.

With another sigh, he went on his way to continue the mission.
Hoseok grumbled, riding on horseback as he patrolled the borders to scope out what the team needed to do. He was given the generally easier terrain, in terms of defence. There was nowhere for the enemies to drive them back, just for them to attack and lay their siege. There wouldn't be any way for anyone to be able to creep through their defences there.

His second in command was by his side on their own horse. They, wisley, didn't mention anything about the marshal's evident distaste about the situation. "Marshal Jung, sir, might I suggest something?"

Hoseok looked at his ally, nodding. The captain, alongside a few others soldiers such as Petra, was part of his personal squad, and he trusted them all with his life.

"We needn't keep our men on the siege constantly, in this terrain at least. Rather than spread our team out, we can take shifts, the other half rotates between rest and patrol." They said, looking over at their marshal with expectant eyes.

The marshal froze, his horse coming to a halt as did the captain by his side. "That's...genius. It'll work, implement it as soon as we return to camp."

The captain grinned, "yes, sir!"


As it turns out, the captain's plan was near perfect. They were able to lay siege onto the northern half with ease. A handful of fallen enemies, a few battles, and limited casualties, the siege of the north was complete. They aided the other team with their portion before returning to the camp.

Hosoek was fighting alongside the bravo team, helping them to wrap up their final battle which would finally have the entire city surrounded.

Another thrust of his blade forward, through the soldier's chest as the corpse fell to the ground. Whipping around to grab another soldier's hair, pulling back their head for a bared neck to slice.

"That all of em?" The marshal said, looking over to the lieutenant who was cracking the final few skulls.

The lieutenant nodded, dropping the final body. "Your captain's strategy is smart," he praised, glad to see the marshal in higher hopes.

His boyfriend agreed, surveying the battlefield and was pleased to see the low number of Glorian casualties. "We shouldn't have much of an issue from here on out, the admiral should be quick to surrender."

The two nodded at each other, turning to go and complete this battle for the honour of Gloria.

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