Chapter 11

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The lieutenant, admittedly, did not want to meet this 'Park Jimin'.

A peasant boy from the slums of a sketchy town, these 'skills' were most likely just some low grade thievery.

At least, those were his assumptions. He did trust his boyfriend, however, especially in terms of war. Being the marshal of the Royal Infantry did not come without a trained eye.

So, maybe, just maybe, he could set aside his biases and meet this 'Park Jimin'. And maybe give him a chance.

"I'll return with Jimin," Hoseok informed as he hopped on the back of the horse. "In the meantime, talk with Taemin."

"Taemin?" Namjoon echoed, looking up with uncertainty. "Who is that? A spy?" He joked dryly.

The marshal snorted. "A friend of Jimin."

Ah, well that certainly caught his attention. The man had friends in his ranks? Or someone in the slaves that Hoseok somehow had contact with?

With a curt nod, Hoseok turned the horses' reins to lead on their way.

Namjoon sighed, turning to head off to find this aforementioned Taemin.


The lieutenant's right hand man had been friendly with the slaves, and had learned all of their names. He had explained that Taemin was a nice man, always talking about his friends still remaining in the city.

He was quite happy to share any and everything about his friend.

"He hates chairs, stools, or anything like that," he rambled on as the lieutenant served him some tea. "He can dance like the gods but can't sit on a chair for the life of him," he laughed.


Namjoon took a sip of his tea.

Battle was an art, dancing around your adversary, ever gracefully avoiding a blade. It wasn't about brutality, at least not to Namjoon. Everyone had their own way to perceive war and to best your foe. Brutality was not how Namjoon saw the art of war. No, he saw it as just that, an art.

Moves and countermoves, dodges and lunges, defence and dances.

An artist would recognize art in all its forms. Namjoon saw an artful science. Perhaps this boy would too.

His thoughts were broken as a horn sounded- announcing the arrival of the marshal and their famed guest.

The lieutenant was quick to his feet, motioning for Taemin to follow as he led him out to the field.

There, the marshal was helping down a boy. He wasn't frail, per say, graced with a dancer's physique.

Namjoon grinned, a feeling of pride swirling in his stomach. Hoseok may be right, this man may have the potential of a great warrior.

He swooped forward before he had a chance to glance around his surroundings.

"Park Jimin, I've heard much about you," the lieutenant spoke, taking the boy's hand in his. "Pleasure to meet you, I am lieutenant Kim Namjoon of Gloria."

The boy seemed to panic for a second, recognizing the infamous strategist before him. He awkwardly shook his hand, bowing his head slightly. "P-pleasure to meet you, uh, sir."

Namjoon grinned. "Come, let us have some tea," he waved over to Taemin waiting at the tent, "and you can tell me all you've mentioned to Hoseok."


During the whole talk, Jimin shifted uncomfortably, taking sips of the luxurious tea every so often.

The flavours were foreign to his tongue, but he enjoyed it nonetheless.

"So, Park Jimin, tell me, how did you slip past the siege?" The lieutenant asked calmly, as if his eyes were not swirling with unspoken emotion.

He panicked, looking up. "I didn't mean to! I was looking at the old village ruins to see if any plants were salvageable, I, I didn't mean to, I swear!"

Still showing no emotion, the lieutenant hummed, taking another sip. "I believe you," he said, shocking Jimin, "and I'd like your help."

The smaller man blinked, looking at the three men surrounding him.

Taemin was nodding rapidly, Hoseok was smiling, and Namjoon still showed nothing.

"Of course sir!"

And finally, Namjoon grinned.

Jimin was beyond relief to see the man smile, noticing the dimples on his face and immediately wanting to see them again.

"Explain the city."

Ah, of course, he was the renowned strategist, after all.

"B-by the south-west gate is where they're keeping the b-, um, the bodies. They don't guard there, worried they'll catch a disease... they're making the poorer families live closer and the wealthier father..."

While Hoseok was fuming at the blatant disregard for human life, Namjoon was impressed.

Not with the town's mistreatment, but the fact that it was what Jimin had said first. No regard for his hometown, precious memories of childhood and friends. No, none of that. He explained their weakness. The achilles heel of the city. The place they could exploit. The key to the first battle.

"I like you, Park Jimin," the lieutenant said as he stood up. "I like you very much. You have my word you and your friends will be protected by my blade in the upcoming battle."

Hoseok stood up quickly, catching on to what he was saying, "Joon... you don't mean...""I do," he nodded, "as of this moment, I, lieutenant Kim Namjoon of Gloria, declare war against Inimicus."

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