Chapter 8

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A few days passed, boring days, if the Glorian marshal were to have a say. Two weeks had passed since they had first laid siege to the city.

Hoseok had patrolled the territory every day. Definitely because that was simply his duty as marshal. Not because he secretly hoped to see a certain boy in the city ruins.

Today, however, he would be late to his patrol, as his boyfriend had requested to meet him and his captains. A meeting at the Glorian fort to discuss anything that had happened the past week.

"I've no battles to report. No suspicious activity that anyone has mentioned," The lieutenant reported, looking at some of the papers that their scribe has written about the siege.

"Same here," Hoseok lied through his teeth, "nothing suspicious to report."

He crossed his arms, leaning against a post as he over all of the officers.

Namjoon looked up from his papers, raising an eyebrow as he cast a glance at Hoseok, and back to the paperwork.

"We'll send this report to His Majesty, and continue to do so each week until the siege is victorious. Do we have any disagreements?" The lieutenant informed, getting ready to seal the envelope with his stamp.

The officers all shook their heads. Hoseok, however, stood still.

"Marshal Jung? Any disagreements or anything to add?" Namjoon asked, looking over at the elder.

"Everything's perfect, Lieutenant Kim." He grinned in response.

Namjoon nodded, officially sealing the envelope with his crest. He passed it off to the messenger standing at full attention. "With haste, please."

The messenger quickly nodded, "I shall return in ten days, sir," he said before rushing out of the tent.

The lieutenant stood up, motioning for his captains to follow. "Best of luck, to all of us," he said with a grin, taking up his papers, "may it be a glorious victory with no surprises."

Hoseok gulped, "you as well, lieutenant Kim."


The marshal cursed as he led his horse down the newly beaten path. He knew he couldn't keep a secret, at least not someone with razor sharp instincts like Namjoon. The man knew his tells inside and out, and definitely knew something was up.

Not that he could lose any rank from breaking the rule, being in such secret close ties with the other Sons, but he could lose his prized reputation. He was the marshal of the royal infantry, a near legendary warrior.

Reaching the city ruins, he grumbled again as he hopped off his horse.

He knew what his was doing was perhaps a bit stupid. There was no certainty that the boy would ever show up again. Even if he said something stupid that he wanted to see him again.

He cursed, pulling out his sword and swinging against a building's ruins. He had to have been alone, as he was everyday he came to this damn city of ruin-

A whimper was heard that had him nearly jump out of his skin. Ripping the blade from the stone, he pointed it towards the voice.

Jimin jumped out from behind the building. "I-its me! It's me," he panted, keeping his arms raised.

Hoseok immediately faltered his blade, an amazed smile on his face. "Park Jimin? You're actually here, again... you snuck past the siege again..."

The young boy nodded with a gulp. "It's getting bad..." he faltered.

The marshal tilted his head to show that he was listening to him. He never really thought about what it would be like to be the one affected by a siege.

"The um, admiral and the lords have all the food, and... and the families of the workers barely have anything. I'm just trying to help my friend's family... He was one of the workers. Do you know what happened to them, sir?" Jimin stuttered, looking at the ground while he spoke.

Workers? Hoseok wondered. Before he winced in realization. They had called them slaves. Which was very much the wrong term.

"Please, I'm Hoseok. I can get you some more food if you need." He smiled at him.

The boy's bright grin was well worth it.

"Now," the marshal continued, walking over to the boy and lowering himself to his level, "what's your friend's name?"

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