Chapter 12

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"Word needs to be sent to His Majesty of war being declared," Hoseok spoke to Namjoon, who next to him as they were taking a walk around the base. Jimin was back having tea and catching up with Taemin, so the two boyfriends had a good time to talk.

The lieutenant nodded, "but neither of us can leave. We'll both need to declare it to Inimicus. I know the infantrymen are trained in rapid message transmission, can you spare someone?"

The marshal hummed his approval. He kicked at a stray pebble, both men watching it tumble forwards and slow to a halt.

He didn't fail to notice Namjoon's eyebrow raise at the sight.

"I'm not going to send Jimin back, as far as I'm concerned he's on Gloria's side for this war," Hoseok grit out.

Namjoon quickly nodded, "that was always my expectation. Jimin's a Glorian now, he'll be protected by us Sons until the day we die. I've met him once, but I look forward to meeting him more. I'm sure the others will as well."

The marshal looked up to the sky, clouds wafting away without a care for the mortal lives passing below them. How he envied them sometimes. They got to carry on without a care for the constant bloodshed plaguing humankind, blissfully unaware of the sins his hands have caused. Shaking away the thought, he smiled up to Namjoon.

"They will, I'm sure of it," Hoseok was excited to see how Jimin would come out of his shell; hopefully thriving in the perfect place for him. He also hoped that the castle back in Gloria would be that perfect place. Especially if the king saw his potential just like they did.

Maybe he'd have a comment or two on his appearance as well.

"Anyway," the marshal cleared his throat, "I can send Petra to send the message to his Majesty. She is the most skilled member of the infantry on horseback."

Namjoon nodded. He looked down at the dusty ground, pebbles astary with scuff marks near their feet.


Your Majesty,

Your loyal soldiers stationed before Cladem bear witness to the siege displayed by your royal army.

The Marshal and Lieutenant of the royal Glorian army present their duty towards their country. In service of Your Majesty's name, we declare war against the neighbouring nation of Inimicus.

For the glory and prosperity of the king,

Your humble servants,

The Sons.

Namjoon stamped off the letter with his seal. He handed it off to the messenger, that being Petra. "I trust you'll go with haste," he slightly ordered.

"Of course, sir," she nodded, tucking the letter into her uniform. With a nod, she turned and quickly made her way to the horse.


It was a few days later, when the marshal and lieutenant were sitting around the table sharing a tea with Taemin and Jimin.

The group had gotten close in the past few days, commonly converging like this. Jimin, much to Hoseok and Namjoon's dismay, did not speak up that much, rather just laughing at the odd story or joke.

His laugh, though, was an entire blessing in and of itself.

They were just in the middle of a story, Jimin with a large grin, when a loud noise thundered across the camp.

The poor boy nearly fell off his chair from the noise. Taemin was quick to comfort his friend.

But to Hoseok and Namjoon the sound was another thing in its entirety. That particular blare could only mean one thing.


But not just any reinforcements.

Such was confirmed when the crier called out, "announcing the arrival of General Min and Colonel Kim."


Petra raced down the path, urging on her horse to carry on the rapid pace. It was still about a day's ride out, and she had been gone for a few days. But she needed to be quicker, given that this was an actual declaration of war.

So she was rushing as fast as the horse's hooves could carry her through that forest. She dodged the stray branches with expertise.

That was, until a body fell from a tree, collapsing onto her.

She cursed as she fell off her horse.

The horse, panicked, whinnied and ran off.

The body on top of her scrambled to their feet, keeping a foot firmly on her throat, another on her right arm as they reached into their pocket. The soldier pulled out a blade, and Petra quickly tried to knock the weapon away.

She didn't even notice another figure until someone lifted up her legs as a scorching pain erupted behind her knees.

The other soldier, masked and armoured, stood up with a bloody knife. "General," they spoke with an oddly soft tone, both soldiers stepping away from Petra.

She tried to stand up, cursing when she realized the back of her knees were slit.

She shot her gaze up, as a person stood before her. They were clad in a full set of golden armour. Their face covered with a helmet, just as gold and shiny as the rest of them.

"Where are you going, my dear?" They gruffed out, helmet down ever so slightly as if looking down on her.

Petra grit her teeth, not daring to answer not show the pain she was in.

"I asked you a question," they growled, quickly unsheathing their sword and striking downwards.

She yelped out in pain as the blade dug into her thigh.

The golden soldier slowly raised the blade, blood starting to pool out from the wound. "Let's keep this civil," they continued, any hint of anger gone from their voice, "before I drain you of your blood."

Petra reached down, trying to apply pressure to the wound. Though her hand was kicked away with a 'tsk-tsk'.

She'd be damned if she gave anything to these bandits. She'd rather die with knowledge intact before she spoke.

Though, it seemed she had no choice.

"General, we found a letter."

She paled.

The golden soldier laughed, "if you just spoke up I would have spared you, She likes people but you. Sad that you're just a sacrifice," they sighed before taking the letter into their armoured hand.

A minute later, the paper was passed back and traded for a sword.

They didn't say anything, stepping forward as the two soldiers from before grabbed either arm and pulled her up a tree.

Petra let out a scream of pain as the extra blade was pressed against her stomach.

The golden armoured soldier did not flinch in the slightest as the blade was forced through her stomach. 

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