4. Of Pain and Memories

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Chapter Four

Of Pain and Memories

A surprising turn of events, I will admit. From past experience, werwolves have been nothing but angry, grumpy, and way too bossy for my liking. This guy, whomever he may be, sat in the seat opposite the one I'd plunked myself in. In fact, he didn't even mention again that I was still sitting in his office chair.

The amusement, contempt, and the like shifted into a frown. He watched me, as though I were a Panda rolling on my back behind glass. "You don't want him to know you're alive," he concluded. "Your own mate."

My arms itched. Heavy topics always made a rash spread along my alabaster skin. I blinked at him as I bought time in deciding how to manage this colossal shit of a situation. "Let me get one thing straight, Mr. Alpha-man; the reason I almost, and was supposed to, die that day? It was because of his father. You know, that old guy who D-" I cut myself off. "Who he worships. Dominic isn't a good guy, and I pride myself on good company." I smiled sweetly. "So, am I going to have to murder you, or do we have a truce?"

The Alpha harrumphed at my condesending tone. "I've heard rumours that both Dominic and Victor are getting caught up in some deep shit." He regarded me. "You can stay here on two conditions."

"Wait a second, I don't want to stay here."

"One; you pull through with your spell on breaking the curse. All we really need is the spell to be performed on one person."

I roll my eyes. "Ah, the leader who wants all the benefits. Typical."

He ignored me. "Second; you become our temporary healer."

My lip twitched. Healer? That would require a magical ability that I did not possess. I pressed my lips together. "And if I refuse?"

Finally, Alpha-man smiled again. He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. "You've threatened to take my life about a dozen times by now. The difference between you and me is that I hold the power and resources to pull through on that threat."

I glare at his smirk. We stare at each other for a time that, to most, would be awkward and weird. Two stubborn asses in one room meant a lot of wasted time. "Fine," I huffed, despite my inability to do said healing. "I meant what I said about that first class room. I know you werewolves have money, so my meals will be cooked for me, and they better be 5 star meals. I'd prefer my own house, maybe a cute cottage, but electrical heating instead of a fireplace. Oh, and I'll need you to try and scrape up some more info on Bones."

The Alpha laughed. "You sure do have a lot of demands for someone without the power."

I raise my eyebrows on him. "You and I have different definitions on power."

"Is that so? What's your definition."

"The rate at which work is done." Upon seeing the confusion in his eyes, I sprung up from the chair. "I mean it about Bones. Oh, and I will be getting paid for my labor. Now, please show me where I will be staying."

For a few moments, he simply stared at me. Finally, he stood up and motioned for the mahogany door. "After you, princess."

I shudder. "Ew. Anything but princess."

"Queen?" He asked as I marched out of the office.

"You disgust me."

I nearly ran into the clothed chest of a very tall, very broad porcelain dude with a huge mouth and tiny, green eyes. I blinked up at him. He blinked down at me. Finally, the dude turned his attention to the Alpha. "Alpha Titus, sir. I heard of the break-in, sir. Is there anything I can do to assist?"

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