6. Of Cookies and Demands

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Chapter Six

Of Cookie and Demands

Ever since healing Kase, a sick feeling twisted my gut. About two weeks went by, and I was back to pretending to use magic to heal werewolves, when I'd just used the herbs beginning to sprout from my garden. Well, I'd gotten Walker to purchase already sprouted plants so I'd be able to use them right away. Impatience is a true curse.

Other than Walker who cooked my meals, though reluctantly, I saw Titus a few times. Every few days, he would stop by to eat supper with me, despite my dispute, and he would always make sure I was still prepared to do the spell upon the next full moon.

Each time, I rolled my eyes and called him a power-hungry wolf. He shrugged it off every time. That time quickly approached, and I couldn't get Adira's words out of my head.

I didn't want to be torn apart, or have my fears used against me.

The sun shone a beautiful glow that afternoon. I could barely hear Walker rummaging about in the kitchen, cleaning up from lunch. I sat on the freshly cut grass with my legs folded and eyes gently shut. Meditation was supposed to help with magical energy. I'd been practicing for years, and none of it seemed to help where I lacked.

"Bitch? I mean, witch?" Walker trudged outside, making all the noise in the world.

My nose scrunched up at his arrival. "Chef, I thought I told you to take more showers. You smell like wet dog."

Walker plopped down in front of me and flicked my nose with all of the might he had. My hands sprung up to cover the sore spot. "Hey! That hurt!"

Walker didn't seem to care. "Thought I should let you know, I'm taking some time off."

My eyebrows rose. "Excusez-moi? Time off? This is a full-time job, doggie. You can't take time off."

He rolled his eyes as he rocked on his ankles. "I'm getting married, so yes, I can take some time off."

I folded my arms across my chest. "Yikes. Who's the unlucky girl?"

If he rolled his eyes anymore, they'd fall right out of his large head. "Narrow-minded witch," he muttered under his breath. Walker stood and marched toward the door.

I swung around to shoot his back a glare. "Narrow-minded?

"Not everyone is straight, bitch!" He called as he slammed the back door.

"What am I supposed to eat?" I asked the soothing wind. Frowning, I turned back to my garden. I'd been meaning to ask if Titus could get me some science textbooks. Back at the orphanage, those bulky books were what got me through the day. After getting out of that hell hole with Rory and Kim, they became a quaint past-time.

Besides, who didn't like to read all about Quantum Physics and cats that are in the box, but also not in the box?

Bushes to the right shifted. I would have thought nothing of it, but there was no wind in the air. My head snapped in that direction. I narrowed my eyes at the bush in question as I took a step toward it.

"Charles?" I called. I hadn't heard from him all day. "Charles? Is that you?"

No bird or other creature zoomed out of there to greet me. In fact, I heard no other noise. For a few moments, I simply stared wide-eyed at the bush, waiting for a monster to spring out and attack. One. Two. Three. Nothing. Exhaling a sigh, I backed into the house and turned away from paranoia.

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