1. Of Money and Madness

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Chapter One

Of Money and Madness


"With the snap of my finger, ladies and gentleman," I exclaimed with arms spread wide and proud. "He shall disappear."

Eager eyes desperately followed my every movement. Humans liked to detect flaws in everything. Unfortunately for them, there simply weren't any flaws to witness with my show; I'd mastered the art well enough. I narrowed my eyes at the bunny sitting on the stool. It was one of those demonic looking things with the red eyes and snow white fur.

Charles and I went way back.

Smirking at my furry friend, I snapped my fingers. The crowd erupted into cheers after he disappeared into thin air. I, however, could still see him. It was all an illusion, which was the only type of magic I could still do after my run-in with that strange, red-eyed werewolf three years ago.

Thankful that I wasn't left with zilch, I took it as a blessing and used it to my advantage... which may or may not have consisted with gathering as much money as possible from the interested passerby. Or, perhaps, take as much money as possible. I wasn't raised to be an honest girl.

"With the clap of my hands, he shall reappear." Clap. There he was again, gazing up at me with that whiskery frown that meant he was tired of my bullshit. Too bad for him. This gig pays the bills.

The crowd hooted and hollered at my trick of the day. I stood with a smug look on my face. I couldn't help but feel elated; since there was a huge festival going on, I was able to swoop up some more cash. Granted, I didn't have permission to be performing my shows on the festival grounds, but what the owners didn't know wouldn't hurt them.

"Now, everyone. Don't forget to make a kind donation to your emerging star!" I flipped the hat off of my head and, with the smile happier than a child on their birthday, I skipped my way through the cluster of people. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." That lady had just tossed in a fifty.

Easy son of a gun. Well, Charles would say generous, but he's too nice sometimes.

I held my set up behind the Ferris wheel, hidden by a black rag. It was a master plan, in my eyes. I had been planning the performance for weeks. By the looks of my growing stash, it was a plan well made.

"Same time tomorrow, folks! Don't miss out on watching Charles fly!"

I sauntered up to good ol' Charles. He was sporting a nice top-hat of his own with a matching black vest. He wasn't a fan of the attire, but all in good money, as I thought of it. Besides, I showered him with gifts on a daily basis.

"What's going on here?" The dreaded voice of the security guard rung through my ears. By the sounds of the gravelly baritone caused by decades of smoking, I'd say that was Donald gifting me with a visit. Just as I snatched Charles in my arms, I looked up to see my pudgy, middle-aged white male enemy narrowing his faded green eyes at me.


"You, again!" Donald snarled. "Hey, don't even think about it!"

Before he had the chance to finish his clearly unnecessary sentence, I made a dash for it. I was quite the athletic, as I'd found out through the years. My ability to outrun security was alarmingly impressive, all things considered.

"Stop right there!" Uh-oh; Donald's got some company. This red-headed chick was younger, also white, and not a regular. With those long legs, I'd say she's quite the runner, herself.

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