3. Of Violence and Growling

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Chapter Three

Of Violence and Growling

Still using the spell, I staggered out into the heart of the town. The howls came from every which way but, now that Charles was safe, I wanted them to find me. Although Charles didn't know of this, it had always been my plan to run into a pack of wolves.

Wolves travelled in packs. Packs had alliances. In those alliances were talks of other packs. They had to know of the name; the one name I held onto my memories for three years. The one name that could lead me to the answers I craved.

Glancing down at myself, I scowl at the hole in my beige tapered pants. Charles picked them out for me. And, for the love of Faraday, brown spots stained my vintage white blouse.

I coughed into my elbow of said ruined blouse, and out came a splatter of blood. Lovely. Rolling my eyes at my lack of magical skill, I flicked off the spell, allowing everyone to see me. Due to my blood, I knew they would smell me out sooner or later.

"Come out, doggies!" I hollered into the starry night. "I have some dog treats for you, if you're interested, that is."

"What business do you have here?" A male voice barked from behind. Turning around, I noticed droopy amber eyes squinting in my direction. Judging by his brawn and overall stinky aura of power, I'd say this guy was the Alpha male.

I smiled at him, causing his bow lips to frown. Taking my time and making him bristle, I scanned him from head to toe. Only shorts covered his manly parts, revealing a muscly body of chestnut skin. His clove hair was braided back in cornrows, giving framework to the square of his jaw. Yep. No mistaking it.

"You're an Alpha," I stated with my finger on my chin. I tapped into my 'sixth sense,' as I liked to call it. Reading supernatural creatures was one of the several useless tricks I still had up my sleeve. "Still quite young. Mateless. Not a very large pack either. Is it new?"

The Alpha growled at me. "Don't talk to me that way, magic user."

"You say that like it's an insult." I raised my right hand. "Mr. Wolf, witches and wizards happen to be the most superior beings on the planet."

"I beg to differ."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Are we really going to have this argument right now?" That was when I noticed a crowd of others, in their wolf form, merely watching our encounter. "Do your guard dogs have to lurk? It's creeping me out."

"What are you doing in my pack? If you don't know, werewolves despise your kind."

"Ah, yes. I'm aware of that. Actually..." I whipped my bag around, causing some of the wolves to inch forward in precaution. "I have something you might like." Remaining silent, the Alpha watched me conspicuously. My fingers brushed a bottle of liquid wolfsbane, just in case. "On one condition... I want some information from you."

"First tell me what you have."

I smirked at him. "Immunity."

"To what, exactly?"

"The moon."

Alpha narrowed his eyes at me. "What are you talking about?"

I sighed heavily. "The curse of the moon; the night of the full moon? Where you're forced to shift? Very painfully, I heard. I also heard that a lot of werewolves lose their lives due to not being able to handle that night. I can grant you immunity to that burden." It was a slight lie; I knew someone who could perform the spell. Whether or not they would do that... well that was another story.

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