5. Of Bile and Blood

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Chapter Five

Of Bile and Blood

I didn't like people. That was exactly why I got along so well with Charles. Aside from Rory and Kim, my group of people tolerance held no existence with my life. People were too selfish. Too greedy. Needy. Only concerned with things concerning them. A lot like me, actually. I'd spend less time with myself if I could.

Titus expected something of me for his own selfish need. He was adamant about it. In fact, he brought it up daily; how I was meant to use the spell to rid one member of the curse. That member being him of course, because an Alpha without the moon curse is one powerful Alpha.

As for the healing thing; I lucked out. Werewolves healed faster than the speed of sound. All I had to do was rub some homemade ointments from herbs gathered in the forest, and it looked like I was doing some healing voodoo. Then, by the time the ointment dried off their skin, they were healed, good as new.

Turns out, luck doesn't last forever.

"Chef?" I called from the backyard of my cottage, knowing guy heard me. Werewolf hearing, and all. "Chef? I need you!"

I heard the backdoor swing open and slam closed. Someone trudged along the gravel backyard up next to me. "The name is Walker. Walk-er. Not chef. Goddess, you make me want to claw my own ears off."

I ignored his comment. Instead, I held my hands out in front of me, peering into the backyard through a lense. The backyard was nothing but chaos and bare bones. Grass had grown too high. Slabs of wood lay askew, causing the soil it held above higher ground to spill. Judging by the dried up, nearly ash, plants and many planters, I assumed it used to be a garden.

"I want a garden," I concluded with a nod. "I have a list of herbs I'd like to plant. Lots of them can't be found here, so they will need to be shipped."

From the corner of my eye, I could see the guy about half a foot taller than me shooting me a glare with cerulean eyes. Blond hair shone under the sun, cut close to his medium beige skin. "Are you kidding? You have to be kidding. If you aren't kidding, I quite."

I smile, not yet giving him my attention. "You won't quite."

Steam practically flew from his ears. "I'm going to kill her. I swear, before this month is over, I am going to kill her." Muttering profanity under his breath, Walker spun around and stalked inside.

We got along just fine, him and I.

As I examined the area in front of me with a smile. Yep. This would do. I hated living underground for so many years without the chance to tend a garden. Without magic, I got better at potions, poisons, and any herbal concoction. Except, in the city, I had to buy ingredients from the market. When I say buy, I really mean steal. Sometimes. It's a hard life as a witch with little to no magic.

Flapping wings to the right catch my attention. Charles didn't change into anything that would draw too much attention. A bluebird; beautiful, small, and plentiful in these woods. I'd left a few bird feeders out for him, though a bunch of other flying creatures took to it.

"Bitch! Oops, I mean witch!" Walker's baritone voice rung from inside of the house. He tumbled out. "In need of your healing abilities. It's a serious one."

By the time I turned around to head back inside, Walker had already gone back in. I hum along the way, expecting another adolescent whining about a little cut on their leg. It'll take a little cleaning, slathering of creams, maybe some potions dosages for good measure, then I'll send them on their way.

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