XXIV: Leap of Faith

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Title: Leap of Faith
Featuring: A boy and a girl.
Author's Notes: This was inspired by this commercial I've been seeing constantly lately (BTW, the song in the background is epic). Long story short, I watch professional tennis way to much and Lacoste happens to be sponsoring the Grand Slam currently going on. The link to the commercial is here so check it out: www.youtube.com/watch?v=bu2ht9c-FFU
Author's Notes (2): Also, holy damn how do I have followers now like what!? This is huge for me guys, huge.

He stared at the beautiful young woman sitting across from him at the little cafe table. She'd just said something to him, he knew that, but he could hear nothing and his vision seemed to narrow on her face and all he could think was how badly he wanted to kiss her.
In his head, he could see himself on top of a tall building. He could see himself back up to the edge, ready himself to run, his chest heaved with deep breaths.
In the real world, his hands slowly, nervously snaked across the little table between them, and he encased her beautiful tapered fingers with his own hands. She looked up at him, blue eyes calculating, and his mind reeled, could he do this, were they in a position in their relationship where it was allowed?
Time slowed. On the rooftop, he took a deep breath and broke out into a sprint.
In the café, he was starting to get up out of his seat, leaning towards her....
And he was jumping if the edge....
And he got closer, and closer still....
And he was falling, the wind rushed bast his ears and through his hair, only she could save him now....
Time was back to normal. He was close enough to her now.
It was just them. In a brief, calm moment, they locked eyes.
Then their lips crashed together, and he was falling again, but it was okay, because she was there and they danced in the air, falling, falling, falling....
It was odd coming back into reality, as the color and his surroundings returned to his vision. They pulled away, and she smiled shyly, curling a bit of his hair in her fingers.
And he decided that taking a leap of faith wasn't so bad at all.

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