XXII: Warning Signs

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Title: Warning Signs
Featuring: Jesse Nolan and Melody Zarr, Jesse's friend Issac and his other sort-of friend Kayla Conory.
Author's Notes: So I'm really pissed right now, 'cause I know I missed a week with The Fame (but it was the holidays so that's not entirely my fault), but I was almost done writing the latest chapter (and trust me when I say that thing has been a bitch and just refuses to be written) and I pressed save when I had to leave and I came back and none of my fucking progress had saved.
So yeah, I'm pissed, 'cause now I gotta go rewrite it.
But here, have a Scenario.

As I laugh slightly at what Kayla says, she comes up next to me, and it feels like all the adrenaline in my body has been released into my bloodstream.
"Hey Jesse," Melody says to me with a smile. Ugh, how is she so goddamn perfect? Her hair looks so shiny, mmm, is that... lavender? Wait, no, lemons and coconut? All three? Focus Jesse.
"Hey Melody," I say with a smile.
"Oh, hey Kayla," she says in greeting to the girl next to me.
"Yeah hey, I gotta go. See you later Jesse," Kayla says, quickly taking a different route down another hallway.
"She seems to be spending an awful lot of time following you around," Melody noted.
"Yeah," I admit. "It's a little weird. But we're just friends."
"Uh huh."
"We are."
"I know, I believe you. I'm just saying...."
She trails off and looks ahead. "What?" I ask, my interest piqued.
"Well... I keep forgetting you're new here. Ugh, okay, lemme explain. You may think you and Kayla are just friends, but that's not all she wants."
"Excuse me?"
"I've known Kayla for three years, and trust me when I tell you, I've seen this go down before. I'm just gonna put it out there: Kayla is your classic slut."
I give her a "Really?" look.
"Just listen to me. Kayla is smarter than she looks. She's not really attractive, nor is she cool or desirable. But, she manages to get a lot of guy "friends". She chooses guys she's attracted to, and gets close to them, you know, "just as a friend". Then she manipulates them into asking her out, only to dump or be dumped a few weeks later, because they want to be "just friends", but really because she just wants into their pants and didn't succeed. I've seen it happen to like half the guys in our grade. And I can already tell she wants to use you in the same way, especially since you're new and won't know what hit you."
"You're kidding me."
She laughs. "Nope. You're being played my friend."
If she laughs again I'm gonna lose it. I love that laugh.
"Hey Jesse," my friend Issac greets me with a large smile when he sees who I'm with. "Hey Melody."
"Hey Issac, I'm glad you're here. Please tell our oblivious friend Jesse here that I'm not kidding when I say Kayla Conory is a slut and just wants to get into his pants."
"You always were very up front."
"I'm a take-no-shit-give-no-shit kind of girl."
"Yes, well, she's right Jesse."
"See! She even tried to manipulate Issac here while he was dating Adina by dating one of his friends to try and make him jealous, as well as throwing herself all over him."
"And texting me and following me around non-stop."
"Yes, that too."
I smack my forehead. "That's what she's been doing to me this past week! I'm an idiot."
"Don't beat yourself up," Melody tells me. "All you have to do is ignore her and keep away and she'll loose interest. Flirting with or asking someone else out might help too. She's not a hard worker, trust me. She prefers easy kills. Anyway, this is my class. I'll see you boys later."
We wave, and when she's gone, Issac looks at me.
"Don't even," I say, knowing where he's going with this.
"I'm just saying. I know you like her."
"She's likable."
"Don't kid yourself," my friend advises me, entering his own class and leaving me to my thoughts, which revolve around the girl with a pixie cut and a beautiful laugh.

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