XVIII: Suddenly

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Title: Suddenly
Featuring: Chance Landon and Lila Vierna
Author's Notes: My sister was trying to get me to name my female character after one of her friends, but bitch, Lila is sticking!

Suddenly, I don't see Chance Landon the way I used to.
Suddenly, I don't see him as this weird kid who had a huge crush on me in sixth grade, he's not the one that asked me out one day in May, just as the weather was beginning to warm. It was just after lunch. I was taking to my friends, and he just... came right up to me and asked.
I remember being shocked, not have a clue whatsoever as to how to reply.
So I did the only thing I thought of at the time. Actually it was the only thing I knew how to do at the time. I ran.
I don't like you! My brain and racing heart screamed. I like your best friend!
When I finally answered 'No', that was it. The year continued, ended, and that was the end of that. Or so I wished. Chance made daily appearances at the pool over the summer, I could feel his eyes on me whenever I walked by. I ignored him, hoping he would turn his heart away from me. When 10th grade began, Chance and I having no classes together, it seemed my wish had come true. I saw him infrequently, and so I thought of him infrequently.
But, the cycle continues, as it always does, and suddenly summer arrived again, bringing with it scorching heat and humidity that brought every member to the pool; or so it seemed to me. Time passed, I now saw Chance frequently, usually with his sister at the pool when I came back from daily tennis practices.
Suddenly, I started to notice changes in Chance. He had filled out and grown much taller, now a few inches above my five four and a half. His face had lost its baby-like roundness, his voice was deeper. He seemed more mature overall it seemed to me, so less awkward.
But one thing did not change-
His eyes were still always on me.
But I supposed this was now comparable to my eyes (almost) always on him, sizing him up, noticing the little (and big) changes.
And as if things could not get more complicated, they suddenly did.
After running some various errands that afternoon, my entire family decided to go on an outing together. Mom reserved some tennis courts and we slipped on some athletic stuff, also bringing along bathing suits and towels for a dip in the pool afterwords.
Aida and Riley went up to the pool early, but mom, dad, and I stayed back, hitting for another two hours or so. Soon, the heat began to get to us, so I grabbed my pool bag and ran to get changed. Coming out, low and behold, I stumbled into Chance. I said nothing, but risked a glance, and green eyes met brown. They lingered for a moment, but I kept walking, and quickly jumped into the pool so to cool and calm my warming and franticly beating heart.
Another two hours passed quickly, playing and swimming with friends. When suddenly the life guard blew his whistle three times, signaling the pool was now closed, I climbed out and packed my things, and my sisters and I climbed the staircase to the deck of the pub, Chance and his family right behind us.
"Do you see those storm clouds Lila? Something's moving in," remarked dad as I sat down, and sure enough, thunder starts to roll in the distance. Over dessert, lightning crackles and the clouds close in.
And just as suddenly as everything else, it begins to rain.
And not just a little drizzle. No. It pours.
We quickly grab plates and bags, rushing inside. Riley trips and falls, struggling to hold a tennis racket, dessert plate, and swim bag. I help her up and then crouch to help her organize herself and get her things inside. As I stand and turn around, Chance is standing there behind me, and green eyes meet brown once again.
I barely register his cool, slightly wet lips suddenly meeting mine.
I barely register my own lips not pulling away.
Suddenly the full realization hits that he's kissing me, and that I'm kissing back.
After a few seconds we both pull away, and we stare at each other.
Then, I slap him.
"Ow! Lila! What was that for!?" Chance asks, bringing his hand to his cheek.
I lean in and kiss him again.
When we pull away for the second time, he looks at me strangely. Then, "I am so confused."
"You owe me a serious explanation," I say accusingly. I quickly write my cell phone number on his hand.
He looks at the writing on his hand, then looks at me, suddenly breaking into a devilish grin. "But until then?"
I roll my eyes but smile, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Don't try your luck."
As I get into the car with the rest of my family, who seem to have no idea about what just happened, I know I have suddenly turned 11th grade into a very interesting year.

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