IX: Halloween Love

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Title: Halloween Love
Featuring: Darren Boric and Elektra Sorren
Author's Notes: Happy Halloween! Hope you enjoy my seasonal Scenario!
Author's Notes (2): Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift from her new album 1989 was listened to on loop while writing this and I think it influenced the writing more than I realized at the time. Damn I love that song.

"Drew," says Rachel, coming up to her older brother, dressed as a Greek goddess. "Can you take me home? I don't feel well, and I can't find mom or dad anywhere."
Drew glares down at the young girl. "Rach, you can't be serious."
Her face turns greener and she covers her mouth. "Please!"
His look of annoyance softens.
"Alright. I'll be right back you guys. Stay in the general area."
"Do what you need to do," I say. "We've still got all night."
Drew slings his arm around Rachel's small shoulders and they walk off back towards their house.
"What now Elektra?" asks Darren.
I think. Then, as an idea comes to me, I grin and snap my fingers. "I know! Let's ding-dong-door-ditch!"
That earns a grin from Darren too. "I'm down. Which house first?"
I smile mischievously. "Follow me."
I begin walking down the street. After a few minutes, I'm right in front of the house that I know will be perfect. I walk past it, then duck into a grove of trees that separate this property from the neighbors. I crouch behind on tree and survey the area.
It was quite a private lot, and there weren't any trick-or-treaters in the immediate area. The house itself was quite big, with limited bushes or cover near to the door, so I would have to be quick.
"This is Mr. Ramsey's house. He used to be a really nice old guy, but since his wife died a year ago he's become such a grouch. If he's home, he won't be happy with whoever's ringing his bell."
Darren nods approvingly. "Good pick Elektra! What's the plan?"
"We'll sneak up to the garage together. You stay there and I'll do the ringing. It'll have to be quick, his living room is right by the door and he's still pretty spry for his age. I'll run back here, and then we'll go from there."
I take one quick look around, still no sign of anyone around. I signal to Darren, and we sneak up to the garage, pressing our backs to the doors.
"Alright. I'm going. Don't make a sound."
He nods, and I crouch, making my way to the front door. I step into the front porch.
I can see Mr. Ramsey in his living room watching TV. A sign on the door reads "No candy. Go away."
I grin. He's gonna be pissed.
I put my finger of the bell, and press.
When I hear it ring inside the house, I run.
The distance feels long and I can hear the door open just as I round the corner of the garage where Darren waits.
"Hey! Who's there?" Mr. Ramsey yells into the night.
Silence for a few moments. We dare to peek around the corner. Then, "I'll catch you hooligans! Damn kids," he finishes, slamming the door closed.
Darren and I burst out laughing, but we manage to keep from being too loud. I turn around, only to almost bump into my accomplice, and we freeze, face to face.
His breathing is heavy. His icy blue yes bore into mine, wind blowing his brown hair out of his face.
My heart is hammering as we stay utterly still. Off somewhere, an owl hoots. The stars look on, twinkling.
"Would you be mad if I kissed you right now?" he asks, voice husky.
"I think I would be insulted if you didn't," I reply.
His lips crash into mine, our eyes close. He asks, for entrance, and I let him. My hands find their way to his hair, and his are on my waist, I feel hot all over, like I'm on fire, and his proximity is the gasoline that will make me explode. It is all want, burning desire, is it wrong I feel that way? He's handsome and hilarious and I like him. God, he feels so perfect kissing me.
He breaks away. "I've been in love with you since the first day I saw you. Will you go out with me?"
"Yes," I grin, pulling him to me again, smiling as we kiss like the world is ending.
When I feel like I can't take the heat anymore, I break away. and we stare at each other, smiling.
"Shall we move on?" I ask.
"Only if I get to kiss you again at the next house," he says.
"Deal," I reply, and grabbing each other's hands and interlacing our lingers, we walk off into the night to get into even more trouble.

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