Christmas•part one

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Song for this chapter: Drive me crazy- Hate Drugs

Ron's POV
I walk downstairs looking out of the windows to see all white around the yard, I can somewhat feel the cold floor on my feet but not too much because I have thick cozy brown socks on.
I can smell the thick sweet scent of my favorite breakfast, pancakes.
I can't wait to give Blair her gift today. I'm sure she got me a good gift too. Either way, anything from her I'll love.
She can punch me and I'll be fine with it. Bloody hell I sound weird but it's true.
Speaking of her, I see her next to my mum making pancake mix.
"Now now dear Ron loves the pumpkin spice but you have to make sure not to add too much." My mum says to Blair helpfully. Blair has my apron on and her hair is pulled into a bun, she looks gorgeous.
I stay hidden a bit, not wanting to say anything and ruin the moment but Blair hears a creak on the floor as I step and she looks back at me quickly.
"Bloody hell Ron. This was supposed to be a surprise." Blair says laughing.
I smile and rub my eyes, still half asleep.
"You're making pancakes... for me?
Thank you." I say walking up to her, messing her hair up.
"Now don't get fond of me doing things for you Mr.Bilius ."
I raise my eyebrows. Well... I'll do anything she wants me to. I laugh, fixing up my hair and clothes, realizing I probably don't look the best.
"Well... I'll leave you two. Ron help her with the pancakes. Now." My mum puts her apron on me quickly pushing me towards the stove and I accidentally bump into Blair.
"Sorry love." I say kindly, looking at her as her face turns a bit red.
I grab the flour and hand it to her with a warm smile on my face, knowing she blushed when I called her 'love'.
"So... Happy Christmas." I say trying to defuse the little tension that is there.
"Happy Christmas Ron. Now where's my gift?" She says making us both laugh.
I go to grab an egg, accidentally touching her hand. Making us make eye contact as we both smile at each other.
Bloody hell I want to tell her how I feel. Now that I fully know how I feel I just can't hold it in.
"You look quite lovely Blair."
She laughs quietly, rolling her eyes.
"I'm not joking." I say seriously.
She looks at me in the eyes and she clears her throat, "What are the plans for today?" she says, obviously trying to brush away the compliment.
"Blair." I say deferring her question. I subtly move closer to her, making us about four inches apart from each other. My breath stops for a second and I look into her blue beady eyes, does she know what I feel? Does she feel the same way?
There's only one way to know.
"I fan-Um I mean should I go wake everyone up?"
She blinks expeditiously as she says "Yeah. Sure. You go do that."
I smile and turn away, walking upstairs.
I could've told her how I felt.
I have to tell her later, don't be such a  bloody wimp like always.
I walk into George and Fred's room, "The two of you get up! It's Christmas!" I say trying to be enthusiastic. George jolts out of bed with a smile on his face, he puts on a blue button up long sleeve and a vest over it that he has on the floor next to his bed, on the other hand Fred slowly opens his eye and he puts his pillow over his face and sighs loudly.

Blair's POV
I hear Ron wake up the twins loudly, making me smile.
He told me I look lovely.
My smile gets bigger to the thought of him saying that but what was he going to say before he left? What if he was going to say he fancies me. No. I don't know. I need to stop assuming, I bet anything he just thinks of me as a best friend. Either way, I should tell him how I feel tonight.
"What're you up to Blair?" I turn to see who it is. Harry. And Ginny is standing next to him.
I smile looking down at the pancake that's currently cooking to indicate I'm making pancakes. I now realize I wasn't paying attention to the cooking pancake and it's now burnt. I murmur out curse words as I grab my wand saying Wingardium Leviosa to pick up the pancake and suddenly Ron grabs it from the air.
"I'll still eat it." He puts it in his mouth with a smile. I laugh knowing well he is going to spit it o-
"Pfft eww what the bloody hell was I thinking. Doesn't taste good burnt." Harry, Ginny, and George laugh with me at Ron. Ron looks at the plates that have pancakes on them and says "Alright everyone! Breakfast is made so get your plates before I do."
George speaks up and says "I'm going to wake up Hannah. Be right back."
He quickly walks up to Charlie's old room, which is where Hannah and I are sleeping in, since we all don't fit with Ginny and Hermione in Ginny's room.
Every night when everyone is asleep I sneak out of the room and Ron and I meet in the kitchen to eat snacks and talk about anything. So tonight whenever we're talking, I'll tell him how I feel.
I look to him smiling. I wonder if he knows how I feel.
Fred finally comes downstairs with a groggy look, "Alright. Where's my breakfast?" He says with a morning voice. Ron points to his plate and he sits down in his seat as everyone else walks downstairs, sitting in their seats to eat the pancakes.
"Woooow Blair and Ron did pretty well." Hermione says making Harry and Ginny snicker.
We all finish the pancakes and Hannah and George pick up everyone's plates, putting the plates to wash on their own in the sink.
"Alright everyone! It's time to open gifts!" Arthur says with an enthusiastic smile.
I look around, taking in the moment with all of my friends that now feel like family. Besides Narcissa and Hannah this is the only family that will every truly be there for me.
"Who's going first?!" Ginny says grabbing every gift that says her name on it.
"Wait up dear! I'll hand out the gifts father and I got all of you." Molly says picking up two gifts switching them between Fred and George as they both have eager smiles. She shrugs and hands them one of the wrapped gifts, making us all smile. They open it up to find matching scarves. George looks at Hannah laughing a bit, putting on his scarf, as did Fred.
Molly hands Ron a gift. He smiles and looks at me as he opens his gift, it being a sweater with an 'R' on it. He looks at me with red cheeks and he smiles. And I can't help but feel butterflies.

 And I can't help but feel butterflies

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Word Count: 1205
AAAA this took me a while to write and I apologize. Thank you to everyone who's still here and enjoying the story, you all truly make my day so much better.
I hope everyone is staying safe! And having fun for the holidays!

And to those who just don't have family to spend the holidays with or those with unpleasant families

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And to those who just don't have family to spend the holidays with or those with unpleasant families. I hope this story brings you all some type of joy. Love you all! Have a great day/night <3

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