Coffee and Books

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Song for this chapter: Someday-The Strokes

Ron's POV
Two weeks until Christmas break and I couldn't feel more brilliant. This time around is always superior because I get to spend time with my family and friends while we feast on food and open gifts. The weather is also so lovely.
I'm in the courtyard with Harry and Hermione, and the bell just rung so everyone is running out of class being chaotic. Malfoy and his goons are staring at this girl as she's walking... towards me?
As she's approaching Harry, Hermione, and I, I'm hit with the smell of coffee and books.
"H-hey, I know we aren't fond of each other," she says shyly "but is it okay if I sit here with you and your friends? My name is Blair." I look into her eyes that show fear. Probably of Malfoy.

Blair's POV
The freckled boy is just staring into my eyes after I ask if I can sit with him and his mates. He looks to them for approval, they all nod yes. I sit down next to the boy with glasses. The girl picks up her hand from her book and shakes mine. She breaks the awkward silence, "Hi! I'm Hermione Granger!" she says enthusiastically. I turn to the boys and the one with glasses says "Harry, Harry Potter.", my breath hitches now knowing who he is. "Um I'm Ron, Ron Weasley.", I look to Ron with a closed smile and he returns it. Hermione and Harry start talking about Christmas and what they want so I get up and sit next to Ron. "So Ron, what are you doing for Christmas?"
"Just going to be at home with my family. What about you?"
I stay silent for a couple of seconds not wanting to say much about my family... "I'm not doing anything really. I've never been close with my family. So I'll probably just stay here at Hogwarts."

Ron's POV
I contemplate if I should ask her if she wants to come stay with me and my family because I feel bad that she doesn't really have her own. But I hardly know her. Bloody hell I don't want to be rude...
"Sorry about that Blair... I can't imagine not being close to your family." I say with a small frown but now hearing two laughs coming from behind me "speaking of family... my two wazzock brothers are behind us."
"Ooooo Ronald who's this lovely lady that's talking to you?" Fred says with a big smirk... he's not wrong though. She is pretty lovely.
She smiles at what Fred said and says "This lovely lady he's talking to is named Blair, you are?"
"Fred." he shakes her hand "and that's George."
George is looking a little gloomy so he gives a small smile. Fred says
"Don't mind George right now... his girlfriend can't come stay with us for Christmas." he laughs quietly.
"She's not my girlfriend.",
Blair laughs at the two.
Hermione joins the conversation saying "He wishes she was though, but he can't confess his feelings to her."
"Who's this girl that he adores?" Blair questions.
"Hannah Lestrange."
Blair looks like she knows her. I mean who doesn't though... Hannah is house Slytherin, daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange. Not everyone is fond of her because of her family status but she's actually quite brilliant once you get to know her. And obviously she's nice enough for my brother to like her so that must say something.
Speaking of her. She appears, hugging George first as everyone says there hellos. She turns to Blair and smiles surprised and happy she's there. "Blair! What are you doing here?!", she says excitedly hugging Blair.
"Oh nothing much. Just getting to know this hectic lot." she responds with a lovely smile.
Harry speaks up, "Wait, how do you two know each other?"
Blair hesitates, "Oh, we're just mutuals."
The bell rings indicating class is starting soon. Hermione runs to class because she has History of magic today, Harry follows her slowly. Fred, George, and Hannah all go to potions class. I have astronomy, I get up with Blair. "So Blair, what class do you have?"
"Um I have astronomy." She smiles slightly towards me. "Yes! Um well..." bloody hell... "me too." I laugh awkwardly.
"Maybe we can sit with each other." I say shyly, she beams at me. I look to her blue eyes and she quickly looks away. Responding, "Yeah maybe we can".


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741 word count
New chapters each Wednesday
I hope you all like this story! If I have a good amount done I'll have them out before Wednesday :)

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