Wizards chess

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Song for this chapter: Wonderwall- Oasis

Ron's POV
"Well..." she says hesitating, "Well?!" I say eager to know why her and Malfoy are close. She sighs,
"Well... it's a long story. But do you know Sirius Black?"
"Yes! I do."
"So um... his younger brother, Regulus Black is my father."
I give her a confused and shocked look. Bloody hell! The once death eater, Regulus Black is her father. I don't mind it though, doesn't mean she's a death eater as well. Also... I reckon Sirius isn't bad looking, no wonder she's beautiful.
"Well... are you going to stop talking to me?" She says looking down with disappointment written on her face.
"The bloody hell I am!"
"It's fine I get it, not much people are fond of a daughter of someone who was a death eater."
I laugh quietly, she looks up at me with slightly watery eyes.
"No. No no no no. I'm only joking Blair. I don't care who your father is. You're like the most interesting person I've met since Harry and Hermione. I won't stop talking to you, I promise. Why ruin a potentially amazing friendship?"
I really mean it. I've only known her for more than half a day and I can already tell we'll be best friends.
A tear falls down her face and I don't know what to do but sit there, she wipes it off quickly, smiling.
"Thank you Ron."
"No problem, Ms.Black.
But you still haven't quite answered my question."
She sits up straight getting ready to tell me more, "Well to say it lightly, Draco is my third cousin. So him, Narcissa, Hannah, and well umm... Bellatrix are the only family I've known all my life. To admit it, sometimes it's not too great. And if Draco is ever rude I'm truly sorry."
I understand what she means. If my father or mother were to be mental I'd probably act out.
"Well... that was a lot of information. I don't mind any of it though, I completely understand what you mean." I say giving her a smile to reassure her I truly mean it.
"But do me a favor, don't tell anyone. I don't think everyone is as understanding as you were about it." She says to me, I nod my head and
I give her my pinky finger. She puts hers out to mine and we put our pinky's around each other's.
"Now let's play wizards chess you git." She says laughing getting up from her seat.
"You don't even know what dorm room is mine you... loser!" I say joking with her. She waits for me to take her to my room, we walk up the stairs and I open the door to the room, it smells like cookies and milk. She follows right behind me as I get the wizards chess from under my bed.
I put it onto the bed, ready to beat the bloody hell out of her in this game.

Blair's POV
I wasn't quite sure how he'd react to knowing who my father is. But I'm glad on how he did react. I sit on the soft bouncy bed next to him as he puts the wizards chess set on the bed so we can play. I look up at his face as he's concentrating on putting the pieces in the right place. I hope we become good friends.
He looks up at me, giving me a small smirk.
"Alright Blair, let's play this game."
We start playing the wizards chess, time flies. It's silent and calm in the room so I ask "Do you have a cassette player? I have a mixtape and we can listen to some tunes I've heard from the muggle world."
He gets up happily to show me he does have a cassette player hidden in his closet.
"Lucky for you, I do indeed have one. Now, you better play good tunes."
I put my mixtape in and the first song  to play is Wonderwall by oasis, I get more focused on the game because of the music. So I easily beat Ron at the game.
I laugh as his king is now trapped.
"I win." I smile widely. He looks down with a sad look "I'm absolutely gutted I didn't win." he says with a sad voice.
I start laughing until he hits me with a pillow on my arm, "Ow! What the hell Ron?!" I say to him as he stands up getting closer to me apologizing. "Oh gosh I'm so dumb. I'm sorry Blair, are you alright?"
I pick up the pillow he hit me with and I hit him back. He smiles at me, putting his hands on the side of my stomach tickling me. I burst out laughing and then I accidentally punch his nose. He stops with blood coming out of his nose.
I laugh a bit out of being shocked, "Shut up Blair." he continues holding his nose smiling at me laughing at him. I run to my bag that has a serviette, I bring it out and I go up to him putting it on the blood. The serviette is soaked with blood now. He takes off his uniform robe and uses it to put on his nose.
"I have another robe in there, can you get it?" He says pointing at his dresser.
I go to the dresser and I see a robe, I hand it to him in a hurry. Gosh why'd I do that? Now he's going to think I'm annoying and aggressive.
"I'm sorry though I didn't mean to do that, it was instinct."
He laughs at me and says "It's alright Blair."

Ron's POV
I put my other robe on as the bleeding stops. Ow this hurts, it's alright though. She gets a wipe from her bag and walks up to me, "Can I?".
"Yeah of course." I say, hopefully I didn't just sound weird.
She puts the cold wipe under my nose to wipe whatever blood was left there. I get goosebumps. We stay there for a minute and then we look into each other's eyes. I ask
"Want to-"
Harry walks in. Making both Blair and I jump out of the state we're in.
"Oh wait did I ruin something?" Harry stands there awkwardly, yeah you did, you git. It's alright I'll ask her another time.
Blair says "No, it's alright Harry. Also sorry we didn't have a proper introduction. It's nice to meet you." She walks up to him giving him a handshake. They shake hands and he says "Astronomy class is starting."
"I should probably go, Ron?" Blair says to Harry and I
"I'll be there in a bit. Go without me." I say giving her a smile, I look at her walk out of the room slowly. Right when I hear the door close I let out my breath. It felt as if I was holding it in the whole time we were hanging out.
"You okay there mate?" Harry asks jokingly.
"Never better."


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Word count: 1173
This one was pretty fun to write! I hope you all liked this chapter :) I also hope everyone is having a great day. <3
Give me feedback if you have any!!! :D

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