Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

All Rights Reserved 

 Author's Note:

Well, just so you know, here is the link to Natalie's outfit. She has been wearing this and this is important for you to understand the story.

Thank you and enjoy the story :)

*Natalie's POV*

I lose Niall in the crowd so I walk outside and stand in front of the Disney Store. I look inside and see a guy in a hoodie and sunglasses looking at the Toy Story section.

"Hello," I say and he turns around with a scared expression.

"Oh, Natalie," he says and I realize he's Liam. He is smart enough to wear a disguise so fans won't notice him. "Where is Niall?"

"Oh, you know, we were in Foot Locker and being the smart guy that he is didn't wear some sort of disguise and he got attacked by a bunch of girls," I explain and add a smile to avoid the fact that that sounded worse than it really is. Maybe it is bad, but how am I supposed to tell his best friend that he is being attacked by a bunch of girls without making it sound bad?

"He probably didn't think about a disguise because he got lost in your beautiful eyes," Liam states and I give him a confused look.

"What?" I ask.

"Um, nevermind. Niall should be fine," he says trying to make himself believe it.

"So, you like Toy Story?" I ask and his eyes light up.

"Yeah, do you like Toy Story?" he asks smiling and looking at me with big chocolate brown eyes. Of course, here I am thinking about chocolate.

"Like it? I love it! I love Disney movies in general and Toy Story happens to be my favorite," I explain and he still keeps his smile.

"Who is your favorite character?" he asks.

"Well, I like Woody and Jesse. I just can't choose between them," I reply and he laughs. "One time, I was in Wal-Mart and I asked my mom if we could go to the toy section and this little 5-year-old looked at me like I was crazy. Her mother looked at me oddly as well." We both laugh. I remember that day. It was only a few weeks ago.

"How old are you?" he asks.

"I'm 17, but I am turning 18 in a month. My birthday is January 13th," I reply and he smiles.

"Did you know that Zayn's birthday is January 12th?" he asks.

"Really?" I respond and he nods. "That's cool considering Penny's birthday is the 14th of January," I reply.

"Is Penny your friend?" he asks.

"Yes," I reply. "She's awesome except she doesn't like chocolate, which makes me a little confused considering I love chocolate."

"I love chocolate too!" he says and I laugh.

"We have so much in common. That's why I love your eyes. They remind me of chocolate," I explain and he smiles.

"Have you heard that I have a girlfriend?" he asks.

"Yeah, my friend told me," I reply.

"Well, we broke up yesterday," he explains and I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Are you ok?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"It hurts. A lot," he exclaims and I hug him in a friendly comforting way. 

"It will get better. You will find another girl who deserves your love," I whisper. I hear sobs and feel my shirt get wet. Liam is crying.

"Are you sure?" he asks. "It felt like Danielle was the only girl who understood me."

"Everything happens for a reason," I say and he nods. "I know how it feels to be heartbroken by the one you love." I mentally slap myself for even bringing it up.

"What do you mean?" he asks listening to me now.

"Well, the very first day of my freshman year at high school, I formed a major crush on this guy. I still remember his name. His name was Evan Grey. When we made eye contact that very first day, butterflies formed in my stomach. It felt like nothing else mattered. He was the only guy I wanted. Homecoming was almost upon us and he asked me to go with him. I said yes. We slow danced and it seemed like everything was perfect. Several months went by and around April of my freshman year, I caught him kissing the head cheerleader. She was blonde and skinny and everything I wasn't. I got mad. Well, that relationship ended and I was heartbroken for months and months. I'm still a little affected by it," I admit and a tear slips down my face. Liam wipes it away quickly.

"How does it still affect you almost 4 years later?" he asks.

"I don't know. I haven't talked about it in a long time," I reply.

"Could it be that you still love him?" he asks.

"Impossible," I reply and he hugs me this time. We were in a warm hug and both of us in tears. I let go and wipe my eyes. He does the same and starts looking at the Toy Story toys again trying to get his mind off of the break up.

"Natalie!" I hear my name being called. I look up and see Penny walking towards me. "Natalie, Liam and Danielle broke up yesterday which means you have a chance!"

"Um, where are Louis and Zayn?" I ask trying to change the subject because I can tell Liam is about to become even more upset.

"They went to American Eagle," Penny says. "Do you know where Liam and Niall are?"

"Niall is trapped at Foot Locker and Liam is right here," I reply awkwardly as I point to Liam.

"Oh," she says and starts blushing. 

"First let's find Niall," Liam begins. "Then we'll go to Louis and Zayn."

Liam, Penny, and I head to Foot Locker next door. The girls were still there. 

"I have an idea," I state.

"What?" Penny asks.

"Ok, I'll get their uniform somehow and tell everyone to evacuate the building. While I'm distracting them, Liam will get Niall. Penny will go next door or anywhere close and buy Niall a disguise," I explain. "Meet in front of the Disney Store right when you're done."

"Great plan. It just might work," Liam says and I walk inside the store. I see a cashier about my size.

"Uh, hi," I say and she looks up at me.

"How may I help you?" she asks trying to avoid the screaming girls. She flashes a bright smile at me.

"I have a little bit of a situation," I explain and tell her that I need her outfit.

"My shift is ending like right now anyway. You can put my uniform right under here inside this drawer when you're done," she says opening the top drawer of her counter. "I can get it tomorrow." She walks over to the bathroom door and disappears. She comes out a few moments later in regular clothes. "Here," she says handing me her uniform. She then exits the building.

I dash into the bathroom and slip into the uniform. According to the red t-shirt with the Foot Locker logo on it, my name is Felicity.

I walk outside and grab the microhphone to make an announcement throughout the store. "Excuse me, please? All shoppers must exit the building so Mr. Horan may shop in peace," I announce and that excuse didn't sound half bad.

A lot of girls started complaining and I give Liam a quick nod that tells him to get Niall. I can see that Penny has already left to find Niall a disguise. 

"Do we have to leave? I want to meet Niall so badly. He is my favorite member of One Direction," a little girl around 8 tells me. I kneel down so I am her height.

"What if I told you that you could meet Liam and Niall?" I ask her and her eyes light up.

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