tapioca pearls

299 7 5

— genre: fluff, first meeting, slice of life, crack-ish, nonidol!au
— warnings: light cursing
— wc: 0.5k

you laid on the trampoline in your backyard, your younger sister jumping around you as you slurped your soggy tapioca pearls.

your sister rambling on as she told you the story of your dog finally throwing up a chew toy he has swallowed a few days ago.

your eyes and mind on the clouds above you, searching for any familiar shapes to humor yourself.

"are you even listening to me?" your sister yelled out at you as she came to a stop, kicking you in the head to catch your attention.

"jesus christ ginny! i'm going to kill you!" you screamed out as you finished choking on your tapioca. your sister immediately screaming as she ran off the trampoline and into the front yard.

you immediately ran after her, dropping your cup of tapioca on the ground. "ginny! get your ass back here! you dumbass!" you yelled out as you ran into your front yard, your sister nowhere to be seen. what you did see was a new family moving into the vacant house to your left.

embarrassed, you ran back into your house, walking straight to your back yard to pick up the cup of tapioca before your dummy of your dog went and ate it.

as you opened the sliding door you spotted an unfamiliar person in your backyard, freaking you out. "who the fuck are you?" you yelled out, startling the guy in front of you who was in the middle of picking up a small dog off of the ground where your cup was.

"oh fuck! i'm sorry! i'm just picking up my dog!" the boy yelled out, panicking about getting caught. quickly he ran back over the fence to the new neighbors house.

you quickly picked up the cup, running into your house, still scared about what had just happened.

the next day, as you waited for the city bus the boy from yesterday awkwardly walking up next to you.

"uh, hey," he lightly tapped your shoulder, blushing from the embarrassment of yesterday's events.

you turned around, the banana milk you were sipping on coming out of your nose as you choked in it. "ah fuck! look away!" you flailed your arm at him, embarrassed.

the cute boy laughed at you, only making your embarrassment worse.

"damn, are you okay?" he patted you on the back, trying to meet your eyes again, like the sadist he must be.

"don't look you dumbass!" you said as you turned away from him, wiping your nose of any banana milk that be left on your face.

his cute laugh reaching your ears again. "i'm sorry about yesterday, my name's mark," he said said as you calmed down.

"i'm y/n," you replied, reaching out your hand for him to shake. "didn't you just wipe your banana milk snot on that hand?" he asked, grimacing as he pointed at your hand.

"right," you said, turning to the street the bus should have been on by now, "where's the fucking bus? why is it so late?" you asked yourself irritably, making mark laugh at you again.

𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚢𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚋𝚘𝚢 | mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now