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(^^ I don't know what else to name this chapter. Help me decide?)

Hey y'all! Hope you're wonderful day. I was listening to my playlist, and then this song comes up and it gave me Solangelo vibes for some reason. So here we are. So they're not yet dating yet, and let's just pretend that Trials of Apollo happens a year later. Ok?

Lyrics will be like this.

I know you, you're a special one Some see crazy where I see love.

Nico di Angelo.

Where could Will start describing him?
Dark eyes, dark hair, brooding personality. People at Camp were scared and sometimes even repulsed by him.

But there was something that drew Will towards Nico. Will knew that there was more to him then his guarded self and darkness. He was committed to make Nico his friend.

You fall so low but shoot so high, big dreamers shoot for open skies.

Will looked into Nico's eyes as he talked. Will nodded absent-mindedly. He was more busy looking into those black eyes, trying to find something other than sadness. Occasionally, they shone with a glimmer of happiness, but that was only when Nico talked about how they won the war with Gaea. Will always wondered if he was missing the big picture.

It made Will uneasy, to see someone not caring about their happiness and health. Then again, Will was the perfect example of that. Head healer of the infirmary and head Counsellor of the Apollo Cabin. He didn't have time to take care of himself, only for others who got hurt.

But Nico was more than a patient to Will now. He had a sensation that Nico was warming up to Will, talking more, and eating more because Will said so.

So much life in those open eyes, so much depth you look for the light.

~ Seven months later ~
"Will!" A hand reached out and was placed on Will's shoulder. A pale hand came into view, holding a card.

"Look at what I found! This is the card I was telling you about. Like the one from the Indian section. It's one of the limited editions from the-" Nico stopped. He waited for a minute and looked down.

"I'm boring you, aren't I?"

Will gave a chuckle. "No you're not."

"... You're sure?"

"Yes. Now, what was card that you were talking about?"

Will hunched down a bit so that he could see the card that Nico was holding. It had a picture of some ancient deity (who was not Greek). His hands were extended out as if he were addressing a crowd.

Nico continued rambling on. Will found it cute. Extremely cute. Nico's eyes would light up and he would smile a lot. He had a slight bounce in his step. His features looked brighter. He still wore his signature look, leather jacket, black shirt and skinny jeans. His thin body looked much better now. He'd been working out a lot in the arena, so he looked a little bit buffer. Small scars were littered across his body, especially his arms. The scratch from Lycaon on Nico's chest was much better, thanks to Will.

Oh in case you were wondering, Will had a crush on Nico. He most definitely found the Son of Hades attractive. Will was absolutely head-over-heels in love with the guy, because it wasn't the first time Will had seen him.

Will had seen Nico twice before, once when Apollo brought him to Camp Half Blood. Gods, he was the hot topic at Camp. And Will had to admit, he was kind of jealous of Nico at first. Will hadn't even known what Apollo had looked like and then, he comes crash-landing into Camp with some other god's kid. But then, Will made the mistake of actually talking to his dad.

Polar OppositesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon