Chapter 1

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"Mom! Dad! I'm home from school!" I shout as I walk through the door.

"Mom? Dad? Caleb?" I shout. No answer. I start to panic. I rush up the stairs into my parents room. No one. I run into Caleb's room. No one. I run down to the kitchen. Nothing. I grab the home phone the counter and call my mom.

"Hello?" A man's voice answers.

"Where's my mom?" I ask.

"You mean Natalie Prior?"


"I'm so sorry. Mr and Mrs. Prior have been in a car accident along with Caleb Prior. They are being rush to the hospital." He says. Tears start to flood my eyes.

"Which hospital?" I ask. My voice is shaky.

"St. Mary's. How are you related to the victims."

"Like I said, they're my parents and brother."

"I see, how old are you?" He asks.

"Ten." I say.

"We'll be over to pick you up in 5 minutes."

"Okay." I say and hang up.

I walk out on to the porch and curl up on the floor. What if they don't make it? I ask my self. What would happen?

A couple minutes later the cops come and a female cop comes out of the car.

"Oh sweetie." She says. "Come with me, and I'll take you to see your family." She lifts me up and escorts me to the car.

The whole ride tears silently slide down my face while I look out the window.

We finally arrive at the hospital and the female cop leads me in to the waiting room. She leaves me there and goes to talk to some nurses.

A different cop and a young lady probably in her late 20's walk to to me.

"Hi, I'm Ed. I was the cop talking on the phone." He says.

"Hi." I say.

"This is Marilyn. She's the guardian at the orphanage. She--" Ed says, but I cut him off.

"Wait, orphanage? My parents aren't gonna make it are they." I ask. Marilyn steps forward and bends down to my height.

"We don't know for sure yet. But in the mean time someone needs to watch over you." Marilyn explains.

"Okay. When can I see them?" I ask.

"In a couple hours." The cop says. I nod and sit down.

Hours Later

"Sweetie, wake up." A young nurse gently shakes me. My eyes flutter open. I must've fallen asleep.

"You can see your family now." She says. I quickly not and stand up.

She takes me into Caleb's room first. I walk in and see him lying on the bed with a face mask, a bandage wrapped the top of his head, his right arm is in a cast along with his right foot. Wires connected to different parts of his body. There's cuts and bruises on his exposed skin. I look away.

"Can I see my parents?" I ask the nurse. She nods.

She leads me to another room down the hall. She opens the door for me. I walk in and I wish I didn't. They both look like Caleb, but 20 times worst. I let out a sob. The nurse walks over to me and hugs me.

"They promised." I keep repeating. They promised they'd be there for my sweet 16, my graduation, my graduation from college. They promise they'd never leave me. But I guess they didn't think something like this would happen.

The nurse pulls away and looks at me.

"Listen, I'll make you a promise that I'll keep." She says. I nod. "I promise, that we as nurses and doctors will do everything we can to revive you family. And, if there is no sign of life in them when you graduate high school, we'll pull the plug. Deal?" She asks.

"Deal." She hugs me again. "Please don't break this." I whisper.

"Trust me hun, I won't." I pull away.

"Doesn't that cost a lot of money to keep them on life support for a long time?" I ask.

"It is if a family member wants to keep the patient on it. But if a nurse or doctor wants to, it doesn't cost a lot, just a bit of money from their payment." She says.

"You'd do that for me?" I ask.

"Of course. When I was your age, I lost my parents. The doctors saw to sigh of life and right away they pulled the plug. I don't want you to go through that like I did. I lost all hope in life, I don't want you to either." She says. I hug her again.

"Thank you so much." I say.

She pulls back. "Let's go back to the waiting room. I think a cop is going to take you back to your place to get your things for the orphanage." She says. I nod.

We're back in the waiting room and I see Ed in a chair.

"There you go." The nurse says. "And don't lose hope, Beatrice."

"Thank you..." I look at her name tag, "Maria." I say. We hug and I walk over to Ed.

"Ready?" He asks. I nod.

He leads me to the cop car. I sit in the front.

"Do you know how they crashed?" I asked.

He sighs. "A guy, named Marcus Eaton, crashed into your parents car. We think it was intentionally because when we looked into the car we saw his ID card. It says he's from New York but we don't think so. Someone wouldn't leave personal information on the seat after they commit a crime." He explains.

We eventually reach my house and I go and pack my most important stuff. Mainly photo albums.

I guess now I'm an orphan.

An Orphan; Divergent FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now