Chapter 2

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6 years later:

Six years ago today, my parents and brother got into the accident. Ever since then, I haven't been the same. I've prayed every night, I go to mass on Sundays, I say the rosary once or twice a week.

Maria has still kept her promise, and I'm thankful for that. I visit them as much as I can. At least three times a week. They say there barley getting better. I don't know if they're just saying that or it's true.

I think I need a new start. You know. Move to a new city. Over the time, I've gotten a lot of money. I've helped at the hospital, worked as cashiers, and I've taught younger kids dance. Hip hop, ballet, contemporary, jazz, tap. Everything.

I have enough money for a couple of airplane tickets. I was thinking of going to either Chicago or L.A. I don't think I'll like L.A though. It's where my parents fell in love and it'll just bring back memories. I sigh. I have to talk to Marilyn though.

I walk down stairs to find Marilyn.

"Abby do you know where Marilyn is?" I ask. Abby is another orphan who's 17. She's been here all her life and once she turns 18 she said she'll be gone in a flash.

"In the kitchen." She says.

I walk into the kitchen and see Marilyn on her computer. I see Lily and Avery doing a craft beside her. Lily and Avery are twins and are the youngest orphans at this orphanage. I feel so bad for them. They lost they're parents a year ago. They're only 5.

"Hey Marilyn." I say.

"Hi Beatrice, what's up?" She asks.

"I've been thinking..." My voice trails off.

"About?" She asks still looking at her computer.

"I think I want to move to Chicago or something." I say. That gets her full attention. Along with Lily and Avery's.

"You want to leave?" Marilyn asks.

"Yeah. I mean I love it here in Miami, but it's too painful here. I need a fresh start." I say.

"I get it. I do. I really am going to miss you. But good thing you picked Chicago, because I know the lady that worlds at the orphanage there."

"So it's a yes?" I ask. She nods. I hug her. "Thank you so much!" I exclaim.

"No worries. I understand. But I think they need an explanation." She says pointing to Lily and Avery.

I walk over to them and crouch down to they're level.

"You're leaving?" Avery asks with watery eyes.

"I am. But don't worry. I'll be back her for Christmas, March break, and Easter. And I'll just be a phone call away." I explain to both of them.

"You promise you'll be here for Christmas?" Lily asks. I nod.

"Pinky swear." I say and hold out both my pinkies. They wrap they're pinkies around mine.

I stand up.

"You better start packing." Marilyn says hanging up the phone.

"Why?" I ask.

"I got you in the orphanage in Chicago."

"Already?" I ask. She nods. "Alright, I guess I have to go pack. You guys wanna help?" I ask the twins. They nod eagerly.

"Let's go." I say they run upstairs. "Thank you so much." I say and hug her once more. I'm about to leave when I ask. "When am I leaving?" I ask.

"Tomorrow morning." She says.

"What?" I ask.

"Yeah. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, but is that okay with you?" I ask.


"Are you trying to get rid of me?" I ask.

"No. I just want you to be happy." She says.

"Okay." I smirk.

I go into my room I share with Abby. Lily and Avery already have two suitcases ready but one's already full.

"What's in this one?" I ask opening it. It has photo albums of my family and a couple photo albums of the girls here. There's also my camera that I got for my 12th birthday from the orphanage. The hospital gave me an iPad mini. I smile and zip up the bag.

"Now for this bag." I say opening the empty suitcase.

I put my clothes in my bag with my toiletries, money, and other necessities. I put both bags on the floor beside my bed and grab my dance bag.

"Can you guys grab my dance shoes." I asks the girls. They nod and go find my shoes. I put my dance clothes in my bag. It's a pretty big bag so it fits a lot of stuff.

The girls come back with all my shoes.

"Thank you." I say and open the bag so they can throw them in. I zip up my bag and put it with my suitcases.

I walk downstairs and see a very happy Marilyn.

"Why you so happy?" I ask.

"It was the hospital. They said all three of you family members showed a sigh of life." She exclaims.

"I'll be back, I'm going to the hospital."

"Wait, do you still want to leave?"

"I think I do. I mean, I want to see the world and see what's out there."

"I understand. Now go." She smile widely.

I rush to the hospital.

When I reach the hospital I run in and see Maria and three doctors waiting.

"I heard the news." I said.

"Yep. Follow us." Maria says. They show me Caleb first. He looks like he aged.

"Why does he look older?" I ask.

"So, the hospital in Chicago sent up needles with serums in them labeled Reviving Serum. We tried it on another patient that wasn't in as bad as a condition than your family. So we tried it on him and in a week and he woke up. So we took a risk and tried in on Caleb. We noticed he started to look older like you said. That was Caleb's sigh. Your parents are different." Maria explains and leads me into my parents room while the doctors stay to check Caleb.

"So, yesterday we tried the serum on you parents. Your mom, as you can see she has no mask which means she's breathing by herself. And your dad, he can't breath by himself but he has twitched a couple times. So, yeah." Maria says.

"That's great. And speaking of Chicago, I'm moving there." I say.

"Really." Maria says in disbelief.

"Yeah. I mean, I love it here but it has too many bad memories. Who knows how long it'll take until they wake up. They've been in this hospital for four years."

"I know what you mean. Go to Chicago, I'll contact you if they wake up." She says. I hug her.

"Thank you for everything. I don't know what I'd do with out you."

"Your welcome. You're family to me." She says.

"Well, I better go say good bye to everyone else." I say. She nods and gives me one last hug. "I'll visit." I say.

"Good." She says.

I go around the hospital and say goodbye to people who aren't in an emergency. I go to Caleb's room and say a goodbye. I do the same for my parents. I give Maria one last goodbye and I leave.

I'm definitely gonna miss Miami. A lot.

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