Chapter 4

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On the plane, I have a window seat and the two seats beside me are taken by two kids. One boy and one girl. They look alike so I'm assuming they're related. They have the most intimate blue eyes. The girl looks around the age of 5. The boy looks older, probably the same age as me. 15.  (A/N: Tris' birthday is in a week so she will be 15 soon. And above is the siblings.)

"I'm scared." The girl whispers loudly.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine." The boy says.

"But we don't even know what she looks like."

"Tori knows what we look like. That's all the matters."

The girl starts to whimper and her brother tries to comfort her. A while later she falls asleep.

I turn to face the guy.

"Are you guys orphans?" I ask. He nods.

"Do you want to know what Tori looks like?" I ask.

"You know her?" He asks.

"We'll not exactly. I'm an orphan too. But my caregiver gave me picture of her." I say. "Would you like to see?" I ask. He nods again.

I pull out my phone. open the picture of her, and show it to him.

"Um excuse me, I'm sorry. Please turn off your cellular device while we are in the air." The flight attendant says.

"It's on airplane mode." I say.

"Doesn't matter." She says.

"Then what's the point of it then?" I ask.

"I don't know and I don't care. Now put it away before I take it from you." She says and walks away.

I put my phone away.

"Someone's tampon is in too far." The boy says. I chuckle.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Jake." He says. "You?"

"Tris. What about you sister."

"Rebecca." He says.

"What?" Rebecca whispers faintly.

"Nothing, go back to sleep." Jake whispers.

"Okay." She says and snuggles into her brother. Jake puts a protective arm around her.

"You love your sister don't you?" I say.

"She's the only family I have left." He says.

"If my brother was alive, he'd be the same way." I say.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your family." Jake asks.

"They got in a car crash six years ago. They're still being taken care of in the hospital. They say there are signs of improvement." I explain.

"If you knew they were improving, then why'd you leave?"

"A new start." He nods. "What's your story?"

"6 years a go, we were at my house eating dinner with our mom only. I don't know what happened to my dad, my mom said he left us. This man broke down our door and came in with a gun. I grabbed Becca right away. She was only 1 at the time. My mom got the emergency gun and pointed it at the man. The man looked at me and said, 'This is for you're own good Jake.' My mom and the man shot at the same time. My mom hit his shoulder. The man hit my mom in the stomach. I dialled the police right away. The man ran away and the police can just in time. My mom's pulse was slowing down. My sister and I go put in foster care. The man came and almost adopted my sister. I told George, our foster care taker or whatever you call it, that he was the guy that shot our mom. The police sent home back to his city, wherever he lives. Apparently he murdered some other people before he came to my house. Then George said that since we were here for so long, he had to move us to another foster home. So now we're going to her sisters foster home." He explains.

"What was your moms name?" I ask.

"Evelyn." He says.

"Evelyn Johnson?" I ask. He nods slightly.

"I know her. When I volunteered at the hospital, I sometimes had to check on her and direct family members to the room. Over the years a lot of progress has been made but I guess someone pulled the plug at one point and she had to recover all over again. She's doing well though." I say.

"That's good to know." He says.

The rest of the flight is pretty silent. A couple times Rebecca started whispering to Jake. She's adorable I must say. Then I repeated what Jake said and took it all in.

6 years ago...He murdered some people before he got to my house...

Rebecca fell back asleep so I ask, "Do you know what happened to the people or who they were that got murdered by the man?"

"All I know it was two adults and a 12 year old in a car crash..." His voice trails off. "You don't think it was the same guy." He says.

"It has to be. It was my parents and my 12 year old brother that was in the car."

"Do you know who it was?" He asks.

"A guy named Marcus Eaton." I say.

He nods. There's nothing else to really say.

Soon the plane lands and all I can think about, what's gonna happen next.


We grab our bags and look around for Tori. I see someone waving to me and sure enough, it's Tori. I recognize her from the picture.

I get Jake's attention and point in the direction of Tori. He gets Rebecca's attention and we all walk over to her with two suitcases each.

"Hi." Tori says.

"Hey." Me and Jake says at the same time. Rebecca hides behind Jake's leg.

Tori crouches down to Rebecca's level.

"You must be Rebecca." Tori says to a peaking Rebecca. She nods. "You want a chocolate bar? You must be hungry after that flight." Rebecca smiles, nods and steps out from her brother. Tori hands her an Aero bar and stands up.

"You guys want some? I have tons?" She says.

"Sure. Why do you have so many anyway?" I ask. I take one while Jake takes two. I shoot a fake glare at him. 

"I can't leave any sweets at the house when I'm not there." She laughs. We laugh with her.

"Well let's go, we're not getting any younger. Especially me." Tori says. We laugh again.

Tori leads us to her minivan.

A new start.

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