114 7 6

Derry, Maine
6:13 am
Wednesday 31st August


Eddie's calves burned as he ran as fast as his little legs could propel him. His chest yearned for his battery acid aspirator, but still he persevered onwards. He was overcome with euphoria as he ran, so much so that he let rip a shriek of excitement, forgetting that the residents of Derry would still be sound asleep. Day was barely breaking and he'd need to be quick if he wanted to get back unnoticed by Sonia.

The boy had snuck out of his window - thank god it was on the ground floor - and raced off under the street lights, running down all the winding roads, past Stanley's house, past Bill's house, past the Kissing Bridge - he slowed down slightly when he ran past there - until he finally reached his destination.

He slowed to a halt and tried desperately to get his breath back. Slowly, Eddie began to make his way up to the white door before him. Carefully he ascended the porch steps and listened to them groan beneath him; he apologised mentally to them.

Eddie stood now, so close to the front door and it seemed to glow white, a blinding light beckoning him to knock on it. He gulped.

knock knock knock

The heart in his chest appeared to stop palpitating against his rib cage as he began to hear movement from inside the household. It took a painfully long time for the door to open.

Eddie was forced to listen to the cautious footsteps down the stairs, the low groans of a tired teenage boy, the sound of bare feet thudding against the hardwood floor, until the door finally swung open, revealing a weary-eyed, messy-haired Richie.

Suddenly, his heart began to beat again, a mile a minute. And it seamed to stop momentarily again when he saw Richie's expression turn from delighted to despondent in less than a second. It was as though he was over the moon to see Eddie, and then remembered their last encounter.

With a stern expression, Richie spat, "What are you doing here, Eddie?"

Still, Eddie couldn't contain his excitement, even if his insides were now bubbling with nervousness.

"Richie, hear me out," he began, "I know you're mad at me and I completely understand. It was a shitty thing to do. I shouldn't have pushed you away, but I can't change the past. I can change the future though. And- and I've been having these dreams, ever since Stan's birthday, since we found out our soulmate's first words to us. And Richie this might seem crazy, but," Eddie paused. He had never spoken so fast in his life; he needed to tell Richie as soon as possible. He couldn't bear not being around him any longer. It was as though the only light in his life had just been blown out.

"But, I think we're soulmates." Eddie felt his cheeks flame a strawberry hue as the words left his lips. An uncontrollable smile played at his lips as he waited for Richie to jump up and down in joy, and grab hold of him, and cuddle him, and whirl him around while giggles escaped their throats, and, above all else, forgive him. But that didn't happen.

Richie felt his chest collapse; Eddie had been having the dreams too. His face drooped like an under-watered flower and he slowly started to feel his insides wilt.

"No. No we're not, Eds," Richie uttered, his voice breaking, his eyes filling.

"No Richie, you don't understa-"

"I do, I do understand. I've been having the dreams too. And Eddie, you're my soulmate, but I'm not yours." Saying the words out loud crushed him.

"What do you mean?" It was now Eddie's turn to feel his eyes well up with salty tears. His eyebrows contorted upwards as confusion clouded his mind.

"You said 'purple', right?"

Eddie nodded.

"I didn't."

Everything made sense now. Of course Richie wasn't Eddie's soulmate. Richie, the perfect guy, the guy Eddie had always put on a pedestal and thought was too good for him. Richie who was funny and charming and completely and utterly beautiful inside and out. He wasn't his soulmate. Go figure.

Eddie and Richie weren't soulmates.

 𝐏𝐔𝐑𝐏𝐋𝐄 *.☽ .* 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐔Where stories live. Discover now