The Dive Is On

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( Spiny POV )

As I smoothed my rough scales, Rexy growled, faster! We need to help Stealth! I strained my fins. ROAR! The Krono emerged from the depths the 3rd time this Aquatic Day. Flame growled and clashed with the beast. However, the Kronosaurus activated it's spirtual element, Water. It sucked Flame into it's mouth like a whirlpool. 

( Flame POV )

It's stomach was green and slimy. But for some reason, there were actually sharp teeth there too. I struggled to push through, but soon, it finally worked. WAIT A MINUTE! I realized I was pushing backward, not forward! Suddenly, I cannon-balled out of it's stomach. But accidentally did that BACKWARD. I landed on a huge ocean rock. I was alone in the sea. 

( Rexy POV )

ROAR! I slashed the Kronosaurus's Gray sleek neck. It roared at me and copied my attack. Smash smashed the Krono's face with his tail club and bellowed. However, it made a mind - blowing comeback. Then it bit Spiny. She sinked to the sea. Stella and Smash swam down to rescue her - OW! The Krono delivered a finishing blow which made me and Mella sink down too. The last thing I saw was pitch black.


I woke up in an underwater laboratory. Everybody was staring at me nonstop. What is it? I said. Then I looked at my back. The healing potion! I streched my bones to reach for it when... My hand passed through it! It was a hologram. I looked at it and sighed.

REXY - GOING AQUATICWhere stories live. Discover now