The Kraken King

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( Rexy POV )

I was lost. I was separated from the gang. AND I was being hunted by a Dunkleosaurus. Could this DAY GET ANY WORSE?!?! As I hid from it behind a giant Coral reef, It darted it's cold eyes, keeping a good vision on the reef. Then it chomped on me... But I dodged it. PHEW! I swam away, but it was just as fast. I finally escaped.


I was resting on the sandy ocean floor when I saw a crab. Howdy, Peppy! It said in a half silvery voice and a  half wild west voice. It tackled me with it's claws. I stared at it and roared. It just sat there. I rolled my eyes. I know where your gang is

( Crab POV )

I led Rexy into a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE cave of sea rocks which was named the Kraken Cave. Then I scurried away. Well, not exactly. I watched from a distance. Rexy freed his gang from the wood chains. So, are they inside, slave? It was the Kraken King. Yes, my lord.

( Smash POV )

We were swimming outside when a Kraken stopped us. He had blood red skin, Purple suction cups and unlike other Kraken's, he had spikes. Blue ones. He was the Kraken King. I activated my Earth element, but he deflected it with an amused chuckle. Even Spiny's special Light and Darkness elemental combo didn't work. He growled and knocked out Stella.

( Spiny POV )

Stella was okay, but it seemed like the Kraken was directing all his attacks on Rexy. Ouch! Rexy started sinking down the sea. The Dilo Sisters started sinking down too on an attempt to save Rexy. I lifted up every member of the gang and sighed. I set autopilot on Pilot Stealth's safety submarine to the underwater lab. Then I followed it.

( Rexy POV )

I looked back. The crab had tricked me and set my gang as the bait. Was he a MORON?!?! ARGH! But it was NO time to think about that. I looked forward. We had just began.

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