Separated: Part 2

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( Horn POV )

We'd escaped right before they had the chance to chomp down on poor us. Pew, Talon. Was close, right? Nopity nope. Great. A rhino - shark was chasing him. I killed it and rolled my eyes. Yay, said Talon. I knew it was a fake yay. I just stared at jokey him.

( Rexy POV )

I was trying to put myself in danger with the Teporo so I could get into the elemental state. BWOOSH! KRUP! The Teporo was angrier than I could ever be. It placed me on it's jaws and swallowed. Ugh, is this Teporo... DUMBWITTED?!?! I immedately entered the elemental state and burst out of the stomach. I smashed it to the ground with a strong whack from my tail. I placed my jaws next to it and breathed fire. It burnt the Teporo. 


Oh no. I did an accident. I killed the Teporo. Oh no. Oh no! Now nothing can bring us together! The words echoed in my brain. Together, together, together. After this much, me, a moronic and stupid and dumbwitted loser lost my team? Then, I breathed fire, an extinction level tsunami started forming, the very air inside the water quivered. Each underwater volcano erupted. I roared, ( Also breathing fire at the same time ) which transformed me into a beast.

( Pilot Stealth POV )

I was washed away in the tsunami. I landed on the rocky ocean floor. I swam up and saw a shadow. It was causing all the chaos. I didn't see it fully since there was poisonous fog in the air. I dived back and waited for the fog to clear out. When I looked back up, I noticed it was Rexy... TRANSFORMED INTO A MONSTER!!! 

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