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Initally, Sam had planned on staying in town and looking for more demons. However, Castiel thought that they should go back to the bunker to rethink their plan after several days of staying at the motel. With Dean's demonic nature clear for all to see, Cas said that both Sam and himself needed time to deal and that it would be easier if they had more room to spread out and be by themselves.

Sam appreciated Castiel's bluntness of the situation. Now they didn't have to tip toe around the fact that they were both getting pretty tired of each other. Cas was trying too hard to make Sam feel better, to the point that Sam could barely get a breath of air. Sam was also starting to snap at Cas, and though his throat was still too hurt to speak he still got his point across with a look.

Even with Sam's wounds healing he still looked like crap. He had a black eye, a broken nose, and a beat up leg. His neck was worse. Because Dean had slightly crushed his throat, there were horrible, purple and yellow hand print bruises all over and around his neck, and it hurt too much to talk. Castiel had gone to a local pharmacy and got Sam some cream to put on his neck and cough drops for his throat.

The drops were working well enough, but the cream didn't do a thing. Cas saw Sam put on well over the suggested amount of cream on his neck more than three times. Once, when Castiel was walking back to their motel room after getting a map out of the car, he walked past the window of their room and saw Sam through the curtain. He was vigorously rubbing the cream on his neck; he was also sobbing in the process. Castiel knew how much it must hurt to find out Dean is a demon by him nearly strangling you to death, but Cas had never stopped to think about how it felt to Sam that he had it written all over his neck that kept him from speaking to remind him.

They agreed to go back to the bunker the next morning, and when they left at 6:00am Sam handed Cas the car keys and sat next to the drivers seat. He didn't argue that he should drive, he was exhausted. He hadn't been sleeping well at all. The pain in his neck kept him from turning his head to a more comfortable position, and the pain in his nose kept him from sleeping on his stomach, and nightmares of Dean standing over him while squeezing the life out of Sam were the only things waiting for him when sleep finally came. And that's all he received when he slept on the way to the bunker.

When they arrived at the bunker it was 2:00 in the afternoon. Cas dropped Sam off at the door to unlock the garage and drove around to park the car in it. As soon as the car was parked Cas lost track of where Sam was, though he was probably in his room. Castiel walked to his own room and laid down on the soft bed and fell asleep.

When he woke it was 8:30 in the evening. He still felt very tired and rubbed his eyes. He hadn't dreamed any and he was gladdened by that. He didn't want anymore dreams of demons beating him. Cas got up and sat on the edge of his bed to think. He didn't know what to do now that he was back at the bunker. Should he make phone calls to warn hunters about Dean? But Sam might want to keep a lid on that so Cas didn't.

Everything he saw brought back a memory of Dean. Seeing the garage earlier brought back every time Dean went to check on his car; Baby. Really, the only thing to do was to find Dean again and be better prepared for when they did. Cas got up and found Sam's laptop on one of the table in the main room lying next to a Busty Asian Beauties magazine that brought more memories of Dean back, and started looking for Dean.

He concluded that Sam was much better at hacking into security cameras, and he got up to find him. Castiel walked to Sam's room and knocked on the door but received no answer. He opened the door but Sam wasn't there. He made his way through the bunker to the kitchen while calling out for Sam but getting no reply. Sam wasn't in the kitchen, Cas checked the files room by the dungeon, and he wasn't there either. He checked some of the other bedrooms to see if maybe Sam passed out in one of them but again, Sam wasn't there.

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